Valor cap?

what’s up with the Valor system? mine is capping at 200/6400 anyone else having this issue?

I’d guess it’s related to the visual bug mentioned here since I don’t see a hotfix for it yet:

I think the bug is that the season total also just shows your current valor points and doesn’t accurately show your seasonal cap currently.

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I came here looking for an answer to this very question. There appears to be a weekly cap, as stated in the patch notes. That cap is not said in game anymore, but it used to be there. Now my valor points are just a red number, and I dont get then from running heroics.

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The weekly cap is 1600.

Since this is week 4 thats a MAX of 6400 currently.

Next week you get another 1600 which would then be 8,000 total valor for Cata.

You cant miss any valor points anymore.

So Say next week you level an alt and it hits 85, that new level 85 will have a valor cap of 8,000 to catch up to our current max.

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macro to display how many valor points you can earn:

/run valor = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(396); print("Valor Points Remaining: "..(valor.maxQuantity - valor.totalEarned))

Weakaura to show valor points:

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