Valhalla conspicuously absent from afterlife

“Remade,” indeed.

I have given up on trying to make any sense of the lore.


As an hispanic guy, this is accurate.

“Do you like movies about gladiators?”…the late great Peter Graves in “Airplane”.

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That is because the Valhalla of Odyn is not in the Shadowlands; and because we killed Helya in Trial of Valor.

If I have the lore correct, Odyn basically had created (via Helya) a sub-realm outside of the Shadowlands to grab “worthies” before they passed on to the Arbiter by using his own reverse-engineered “home-brew” Kyrian (Valkyr).

Basically, Odyn was denying a number of Vrykrul their proper afterlife to live as effectively warrior ghosts with Odyn in his little playground realm.

Essentially, Odyn said “I’ll make my own Shadowlands, with blackjack and h-----s” and had Helya make him that custom build “afterlife.” Then Odyn essentially conscripted Helya to be the first of his own cheap knock-off Kyrians. Helya got, understandably, miffed and became a major threat, which we then killed, sending Helya to the Maw.

Well guess what, this is WoW. Vrykul get their Valhalla equivalent. The rest of us are likely sent to Maldraxxus as that is a Warrior afterlife.

The closest thing you’re going to get to Valhalla in Shadowlands is either Maldraxxus or Bastion. Maldraxxus because honorable warriors go there, and Bastion because the Halls of Valor (Valhalla) were crafted specifically to look like Elysian Hold.

Kittens would go to Ardenweald.

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Oh look, someone else who played that silly minecraft viking derivative game trending rn.

This is actually a misconception; the constructs are built in a way that is optimized to the desires of the soul in question and further it allows them to keep serving long after others would be too crippled to perform their duty.

It isn’t pretty but it is both efficient and effective.

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The warrior class hall.

Until Gharmal began committing war crimes, I guess?


Like If you have a necrolord covenant character you learn fairly quickly that the souls get a lot of say over the role that their body will be optimized for.

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They could at least have had a place to go with better fishing.

Competitive innkeeping? The elitists have gone too far.

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They should create a place called Cookiejar where deceased Cookie Monsters go to in their afterlife.