Valhalla conspicuously absent from afterlife

Is it just me? Or is Valhalla missing from the equation? Can anyone point to lore where the warrior afterlife is reputed to be an upgraded version of Undercity?

Helga from Helheim is in SL, where is the rest of the Norse stuff?


Whats Valhalla in the WoW Universe?

Valhalla is the waiting room for maldraxxus.


The closest approximation to Valhalla would probably be the Hall of Valor, which isn’t part of the Shadowlands at all.


I’m kinda curious about this as well. Odyn resurrects souls into new bodies for war in an imitation of Valhalla, but it’s kinda weird that this isn’t actually part of the Shadowlands.

Edit: On the bright side, at least I don’t have to spend the whole expansion listening to “MY VALAJARRRRR”


Warriors in WoW were never promised a Valhalla. Why would there be one?

Unless you’re a vrykul then Odyn may snag your soul instead, but for the rest your options are pretty open in the SL.

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Hmm if my guess its correct we already visited it in Legion… in The Halls of Valor and its hell Helheim.

I believe that the deal that Odin did with Death, gave him the power to tie this demi-realm of the dead for warriors in Stormheim.

My memory is rusty, if this was in the Story section of the Forums I’m sure you get a full answer with the lore we have until now, by other more knowledgeable fans.


As has been said many times, there’s an infinite different amount of afterlives in the Shadowlands. The ones we are seeing are the ones that keep the whole thing in order. I’m very well sure there’s a Valhalla-esque afterlife for those it suits for.


Pretty sure Odyn gave up his eye to the Jailer in exchange for knowledge and power.

His Valkyr are an obvious imitation of Kyrians and the Halls of Valor look more like Oribos than they do like Titan tech.


Maybe not but I also don’t remember them being promised pits of plague goop and Frankenstein constructs.

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It’s stated in De Other Side that he gave it to Mueh’zala. What Mueh’zala did with it after is up in the air.

De Other Side really feels like this Plot Wastebasket where they just dumped a bunch of dangling plotlines in 1 line of dialogue.

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Gave to the Jailer and the eye became the “Eye of the Jailer”.

According to the Wowpedia page it was originally part of Ulduar.

True, but that goes for all afterlives since no one really knew what the SL was like.

But not all warriors go to Maldraxxus. Your chosen afterlife is decided by a lot of factors based on your character and history. There’s many different types and personalities of warriors and could be many potential afterlives one might go to.

And the people in Maldraxxus seem pretty content with their lot overall.


I know what I’m screaming at you next time I give you a quest :smiling_imp: :deer:…

The Halls of Valor is Odyn basically cosplaying after he glimpsed into the Shadowlands and saw the Kyrian. They’re titan based. Not death based.


Yup. Odyn was just “This is stupid I’m out” and he took the Halls of Valor with him

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I am guessing he means in the broader sense. Bastion is the ancient Greeks Elysian Fields. Ardenweld is the old lore of the Fey and Ravendreth the sin eater lore. Maldraxxis would be the closest to Valhalla where the souls of the brave are remade to fight over and over.


We have only seen four afterlife “zones”. Cinematic with the Arbiter shows dozens of portals.
I seriously doubt infants and kittens would go to any of the four we have.

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