<Valhalla Awaits> [Herod][H][TEAM 2 LOOKING FOR MORE – PACIFIC TIME]


Prot Warrior 3 / 3
DPS Warrior 1 / 5
Rogue 5 / 6
Mage 7 / 6
Priest - Shadow 1 / 1
Warlock 4 / 5
Hunter 4 / 3
Shaman 3 / 4
Druid - Resto 1 /3
Priest - Holy/Disc 3 / 4

Raid Team 2 is looking for more members!
Raid Team 2 Times:
- Tuesday 10pm-1am Pacific Time
- Wednesday 10pm-1am Pacific Time
- Thursday 10pm-1am Pacific Time

Ever wonder if guild communities still exist? Where adult gamers can enjoy a mature, fun environment and still get raid content down efficiently and enjoy everything else world of warcraft has to offer? We strongly believe you can maintain a chill adult atmosphere while successfully clearing all content, and we are excited to add more like-minded gamers like you to our community.
All experienced & non-experienced gamers welcome! We are also looking for officers.

About us: 
- We are an adult guild where everyone is treated with respect. 
- We offer a mature environment with stable leadership. 
- We believe 2-3 days/week is ideal for steady progression without burnout. 
- We are looking for people that want to be part of a positive community. 
- We recruit the player, but the person is what makes a successful applicant a long term member. 
- At the same time we are looking for quality raiders that understand what progression raiding is about. 
- Selfish attitudes and drama are not tolerated.

Raid Team 1 Times:
- Mondays 8pm-11pm Eastern
- Wednesday 8pm-11pm Eastern
- Saturday - Optional Casual Raid/PvP Events

Discord: 5MhGVdD
Onired: Onired#3941


Nice! Finally some late night raid posts!

haha yeah iv seen “late nights” and they are from 6 to 11 like come on, thats not even close!

Amateurs! The times are perfect.

why yes, yes iam! oh wait your talking about the raid times…yes i guess they are xD

are you a poppycock mello?

i heard team 1 was a poppycock

we will see!

Join Team 2, not Team Poppycock!

come on home folks dinner bell is ringing

May have to make a toon on your server.

Still looking!

Need a dedicated enhancement shaman? Disabled veteran here, no job no school no kids to distract me. Can put in 16+ hours mon-friday with the occasional weekend, usually hang with the wife for a bit on the weekend. Will be going alchemy to help raid team with potions and flasks. Experience with top 3 vanilla world guild Blood Legion from vanilla to cata. Looking to go hardcore for classic. I could join for team 2 but I would prefer team 1’s raid times if something opens up and there is an open spot on that team.

for sure man come on into our discord! we can chit chat there!

Great group of guys!

I can vouch for that!

We are still looking for more, please add me on discord.

Count me in!

Join the discord for any questions!

Ideal Raid Comp Have/Need
Prot warriors 3 / 3
Melee warriors 1 / 5
Rogue 3 / 6
Mages 2 / 6
Priest - Shadow 1 / 1
Warlocks 2 / 5
Hunter 1 / 3
Shaman 1 / 4
Druid’s Resto 0 /3
Priest Holy/Disc 2 / 4

PST raid team needs more healers!