Prot Warrior 3 / 3
DPS Warrior 1 / 5
Rogue 5 / 6
Mage 7 / 6
Priest - Shadow 1 / 1
Warlock 4 / 5
Hunter 4 / 3
Shaman 3 / 4
Druid - Resto 1 /3
Priest - Holy/Disc 3 / 4
Raid Team 2 is looking for more members!
Raid Team 2 Times:
- Tuesday 10pm-1am Pacific Time
- Wednesday 10pm-1am Pacific Time
- Thursday 10pm-1am Pacific Time
Ever wonder if guild communities still exist? Where adult gamers can enjoy a mature, fun environment and still get raid content down efficiently and enjoy everything else world of warcraft has to offer? We strongly believe you can maintain a chill adult atmosphere while successfully clearing all content, and we are excited to add more like-minded gamers like you to our community.
All experienced & non-experienced gamers welcome! We are also looking for officers.
About us:
- We are an adult guild where everyone is treated with respect.
- We offer a mature environment with stable leadership.
- We believe 2-3 days/week is ideal for steady progression without burnout.
- We are looking for people that want to be part of a positive community.
- We recruit the player, but the person is what makes a successful applicant a long term member.
- At the same time we are looking for quality raiders that understand what progression raiding is about.
- Selfish attitudes and drama are not tolerated.
Raid Team 1 Times:
- Mondays 8pm-11pm Eastern
- Wednesday 8pm-11pm Eastern
- Saturday - Optional Casual Raid/PvP Events
Discord: 5MhGVdD
Onired: Onired#3941