:V I think I lost my trust lvl 3

I transferred my charactors server and lost my trust level. Back so square one. That’ll teach me for posting on my main. I now understand forum alts.

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Just for clarity: This is purchased software. The IT people not fixing it are the people they bought it from.

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I noticed it when I opened bnet on mobile and the menu’s were misplaced (because lounge was gone) I actually thought the error initially was just part of some tech issues.

All these things have been said when we first switched to the new forum software so I feel like we’re just reenacting the events of a few months ago lol. The system is to promote “community” but we actually just lurk in random vulpera threads for metric counts.


Blizzard didn’t develop this forum system.

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How did you find that info out?

The fact they’ve made no attempt shows they don’t care. Typical Californians.

Do you expect them to alter forum code they don’t own? They have already submitted the things they want done to Discourse devs, it falls entirely on them now.

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I dont know why this info isnt pinned.

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It depends on what sort of licensing agreement they have. In my experience, most of the time when a company purchases software like this there’s a certain amount of control they have over their implementation. The buyer will generally have a certain amount of access and an agreement with what sort of issues they can send to the vendor (and how much that costs).

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They’ve already specified that they had to go through Discourse devs for things they want, like ignore lists. They probably don’t have much leeway if the system doesn’t already exist. Apparently letting us post on our character was a hassle in itself.


Found mine; I only just hit lv 2 it seems. XD

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This is exactly why I don’t care or even try to reach level 3 any more, I had it before, but I also have a life outside the forums that needs my attention more, I think that a lot of people miss out on some very funny stuff because posters are unable to post videos or links


Because I’m not green…

Just purple…

Purple is best color!! :blush:


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Well I for one appreciate you my purple elven sister!


how do you find the trust/rank for posting links/images ?

Green is too.

Green and purple are my favorite colors. :slight_smile:

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As for the topic on hand. I have considered writing a browser plugin to track some of the stats to assist people on figuring out what stat falls below requirements.

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It’s trust level three. It’s on one of the stickies here. If you mean to find your own trust rank, go to your profile page and add .json to the end. On the page that shows up, you can search “trust” to find it; the highest number is the one that matters.

Yes indeed!! :slightly_smiling_face:
