:V I think I lost my trust lvl 3

Tried to post a picture a while ago and it said I wasnt able to post links :c I’ve posted pictures and videos in the past with no issue!
Do you normally get a notification when you lose a trust level?
Kinda curious as to when this happened.

You can check by going to https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/u/Ushi-moon-guard.json

Then search for the words trust level and the highest number is what you are. I’d look for you but i cant see it from my end.

But yeah I dont think they tell you,sadly.


Wait I lied I can see it. You are in fact only level 2. Sorry moo cow. :frowning:

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RIP. Wonder how I lost it.
Wonder if I got reported by the person I was debating Mechagnomes with :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thanks for double checking for me!


There is no notification. I’ve lost it twice just from activity decay.

The requirements for trust level 3 only look at your most recent activity. If you don’t maintain activity, your trust goes back down until your activity goes back up.

Edit: If you lose it via a suspension or account action, you will be notified. It’s only if you lose it by decay that you’re not notified.


oooh. That might have been it then. That’s interesting to know!

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That wasn’t me was it? I’m crabby about them but I didn’t flag you if it was! :confused:

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It didn’t give me anything except error messages when I tried to help people and post thoroughly :disappointed_relieved:


It’s sort of like a rolling criteria, so you can actually gain it back quicker when it drops off.


I don’t think so!
Pretty sure it was a grumpy Orc man.

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ahhh ok. Because the real tears we should be consoling is the Draenei!!!

Awesome :smile:

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This. Just read a lot and post some stuff and you should get it back in no time. When I lost mine it only took one (very) active thread for me to get it back.

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Alrighty! Well thank you everyone! I was surprised when I couldn’t post an image.
Good to know it’s prob just a drop off.
Not in a huge rush or need to get trust 3, but it’s always fun to be able to post fun images ;D
Appreciate all the help, ya’ll!


You have to maintain it. It will fall off if you don’t.

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It’s still a pita for people that don’t really hang out in general discussion or high traffic areas in general. I’m pretty sure you can not maintain T3 if you post in class forums / new player help forums without either replying and reading to EVERYTHING POSTED or by going to one of the four other high traffic forums.

Edit: and that is kind of where linking things is a relevant reward past the memes


Oh no doubt. It’s a strange forum system in general, I think.


Welcome to the cool kids club.

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Even if you stay in General it’ll still fall off if you don’t spend all your time in the main thread for the latest fire. I mostly just don’t like how your rights can bounce back and forth with no real way to judge if you’re still level 3 without either trying to post a link or going out of your way to check your .json. I think some sort of obvious indication would be useful (eg. a number next to your portrait).


These forums are also buggy as hell since blizzard very competent I.T team has made no attempt to fix the issues here.

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Ushi lost trust lvl 3?

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