:V I think I lost my trust lvl 3

Purple is best color!! :blush:


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Well I for one appreciate you my purple elven sister!


how do you find the trust/rank for posting links/images ?

Green is too.

Green and purple are my favorite colors. :slight_smile:

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As for the topic on hand. I have considered writing a browser plugin to track some of the stats to assist people on figuring out what stat falls below requirements.

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It’s trust level three. It’s on one of the stickies here. If you mean to find your own trust rank, go to your profile page and add .json to the end. On the page that shows up, you can search “trust” to find it; the highest number is the one that matters.

Yes indeed!! :slightly_smiling_face:


that’s never going to happen. I piss off the majority of the playerbase because i don’t get along with the degeneracy they are all about.

I had a green and purple striped dress when I was a wee lass (back in the Stone Ages lol) that I wore to a death so severe it couldn’t even be used for scraps.

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Well this is awkward, I never noticed that sticky before lol.

Peoples BS flagging has to be supported by a mod though for it to count.

ah, that rarely happens in WoW forums for me, but in the overwatch forums, especially in the competetive section i get stuff removed almost daily :laughing:

But the sticky doesn’t tell you how to find your trust level.
Also the sticky has some information that isn’t entirely correct that I had corrected in my post.

Oh wow nice. I’ve had a couple outfits, in purple, in my younger “rompier” days, that I would wear to rags. It would drive my mother insane!!! lol

(She was a young lady raised in the 50’s who wouldn’t answer a door without being fully dressed down to having shoes - heaven forbid you answer the door w/o your shoes as a young lady back then lol)

My mom is the same way. She won’t even go check the mail without makeup. I am such a disappointment, lol.

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My mom was absolutely like that too!! Haha Couldn’t go to the store, mailbox, nowhere outside the confines of our home without hair and makeup done. God forbid she get caught walking around the house w/o a bra. (haha tmi oops sorry lmao)

If you don’t actively peruse the forums, you’ll lose a level.

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Haha, yep.

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I’ve had more than enough activity, but I think mine is timegated now…? >_> Much more than 10k posts but still level 2. BUT I NEED TO POST GIFS :sob::sob::sob::sob:

You actually need 20k posts read, not 10k. And it’s on a sliding 100 day scale, so you have to maintain it. You’re also definitely timegated because you need to have visited so many days in that sliding 100 days as well.