Uuna and the Gate still bugged

I am having the same issue. Three days in a row I have visited the gate on three different toons (level 90, 110 and 120) and the RP still will not trigger.

Can we get someone to give us some help with this? I can not get it to trigger so i can not finish the baa’l pet quest either till I can finish this part of the chain. Thanks

This is still bugged. Thanks again Blizz.

zzz fix this already. Literally gates two more huge secret chains. Come on blizz!

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I’m having this same issue. I wonder has anyone tried with a different toon? Is the bug a toon specific bug or is it like this for everyone on every toon going forward until they fix?

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I have tried it on two different characters, and I have quite a few more that I can try it on. It is just that I don’t think it is going to work. With that said, I guess we are just going to have to wait for a bug fix.


Same issue here. Tried current BfA timeline, as well as speaking to the NPC to revert to the pre-BfA timeline version of Pandaria.

Is Blizzard going to notify us when this has been fixed? Or do we just need to randomly keep trying?


Same here about the Gate of the Setting Sun bug as of (9:30am EDT June 13,2020). So how long does it take Blizz to fix this? If this bug was in our ADVANTAGE & YOUR disadvantage, this would have been fixed within the very first day! But here, while it’s to OUR disadvantage…it has taken you a month so far, and it’s STILL NOT fixed? REALLY?? And you wonder WHY you lose players!!!

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Again, Uuna isn’t popping at the Gate of the Setting Sun as of 12:43pm June 14,2020. Blizzard…PLEASE FIX THIS BUG!!! This isn’t fair. I pay you good money for membership…then even more to buy tokens, pets & mounts, the LEAST you could do is fix a bug like this Uuna one in a decent amount of time. And a month is plenty decent enough to do it!

I just got it to work on a lv 107 Alt. I would suggest to try to make a 110 Class trial character and see if that works for anyone. That will guarantee theres no interferance with Nzoth 8.3 issues

UPDATE. I ran the script to check progress on my 120 main whos been doing all of Uuna and i show progress. so it carry’s over from lower level alts luckily. Also i have WM off on the 107 alt i used for this. if that matters…

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Following Waffuls’ suggestion, I tried going there on an old lvl 100 class trial I use for collecting appearances, and, it worked!

What time of day did you do it? My wife’s tried trials and sub 110 Alts and it won’t work for her. I think I did Uuna about 7-8CT?? Possibly later. Maybe this has to be “ Sunset” at sunset gate?

Don’t listen to Waffuls, he has the best RNG with everything… Trust me… I have had trouble with this whole thing from the beginning, but everything works smoothly for Waffuls. I got on a 106 level alt, and nothing. I made a 110 class trial character, and nothing. I have logged on to many alts, and nothing. I have run around, tried interacting with Uuna, summon her before, on top of, and after the gate, I have tried with the rare up, and after killing rare… This is a pretty messed up zone also though. You get dismounted when flying from Valley of the Four Winds to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in a certain spot. You also can’t click on the map to zoom in on the Vale of Eternal blossoms. It’s like the code isn’t happy with the two different timelines in one space. I know certain Tiller dailies won’t work unless you are in the older timeline. There is one quest you can only do in a certain spot to get it to work. Anyways, back to Uuna -> she will never get to travel the world. This is very sad. SHE WON’T HUG ME BACK BLIZZ!!! One day, I hope I can finish this story line so that she can hug me back… and so that maybe I can have a fully upgraded Uuna so all this time and effort isn’t for NOTHING.

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^wife Aggro :slight_smile:

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This is still ongoing. I have tried to get this part to trigger multiple times and on multiple different characters (even different factions) and then on different factions. Level ranges from 100 to 120. In old vale and new vale and nothing. I submitted a ticket and was only told to submit this as a bug. (no help in moving through to the next step). It is really annoying.


Waffuls - I’m on an OCE server but it was around 8pm Aussie time. I did one lap of the area, ran across the middle of the area right in front of the actual gate and Uuna triggered.

One interesting thing, when I tried it on my 120s and used Zidormi to go back to panda time there were still pandarian era NPCs in that area. There was a big bug there.Uuna would not trigger on any of those toons.

On my old 100 trial there were no NPCs in the whole area, it was completely empty. The trial toon had never done any pandaria content, apart from flying to the gate.

So it appears to be a phasing issue.if you see any NPCs from either era Uuna probably won’t react.

Maybe I’m lucky I just happened to have a class trial from Legion that was attached to a different phase. I never thought to try it with a fresh 110 trial.

If anyone needs to weaken Baal and you see me online just message me and I’ll summon Uuna for you.

At 1:34am EST on Thrall US. I got Uuna to prompt. I don’t know if its because I put a complaint about the bug or if its actually fixed because about 2 minutes after I got her to talk, an alliance player landed and her prompt went as well.

Was just there, unable to get her to notice the giant gate she is suppose to notice………

not working now. Don’t know what you did.

And still Bug!!! 17/06/2020 and nothing’s been fix! Thbks Blizzard u make me waste hours getting the peebles for baa’l then figuring out i needed Uuna, the pet From the many faces devourer took me for 11 days to drop! Then doing her questline to stand in front of the sun gate and get the door on the face, no reaction of Uuna, people asking since a lot of time and u dont do nothing :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage: Fix the Bug!