Why does my Execute hit for 150% more damage as a PROTECTION WARRIOR compared to Arms??? It makes no sense like what the heck? It’s literally MORE than double the damage.
… bugged? Backwards values? Wrong spell id?
571,353 in Prot
190,050 in Arms.
It’s… nearly three times more damage…
PvE or PvP?
Be precise.
Both prot hero talents have dmg increases to execute through either a flat mod to it or a crit damage mod. Did the prot set focus more on vers/mastery? And the arms dropping for crit/haste thus having lower dmg mods for faster and more requent crits?
Sorry, PvE. Same gear sets, save for a different sword/shield.
Because obviously you sing a 1h faster!!! (execute feels so week)
I’d put it down to being in cooldowns, (avatar/demo shout), alongside mountain thane with thorim’s might giving an addional 15% modifier, if you’re using juggernaut instead of punish that also adds to %dmg.
However keep in mind, prot cant exactly spam execute as well as Slayer Arms can, since it’s getting a lot more sudden death procs which feeds into much higher mortal strike followups or a big mod for the first unhinged proc in a bladestorm (goes ham in raid).
I wouldnt worry about it honestly, prot isnt beating arms at all in execute. Arms is actually in a very good spot this raid imo.
It’s nearly three times more damage after actually looking closely lol.
Crazy. Who thought this nonsense up… “Yeah let’s make prot warrior Execute do THREE TIMES the damage as Arms…”
Got a log to go through and find out the cause?
These are simply the tooltip values while I sit afk in town.
uh ok, lets break this down into simple terms.
Tooltip sitting your behind in town means nothing, when Arms has a lot more modifiers to execute in both it’s spec tree and hero talent itself.
Let’s use some observation here rather than jumping to conclusions.
Juggernaut: 3-45% extra execute dmg (Easier to pickup in Arms than Prot without losing major passive defenses from punish so this counts for a general comparison).
20% extra crit dmg, 5% extra crit chance and 20% rage refund in the spec tree. The rage refund alone makes this so much better for Arms.
Colossus Smash has a 30% modifier to damage over Demo shouts 20%. Both have access to Avatar.
Slayer’s passives, 15-45% extra damage, 15-45% extra crit chance AND damage based on the number of marks on the target from slayer strikes. Let alone an additional 1-12% damage taken debuff from overwhelming strikes.
Meanwhile the only thing attributing to Prot’s “tooltip” damage is the 15% execute mod from Thorim’s Might.
Please before you jump to conclusions use your head.
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lol waht are you talking about??
There is a nearly 300% variation in damage of PROTECTION and ARMS. That is entirely ludicrous.
My Execute crits over 2.4 mil in prot and like 1.4 on a juiced up beefy avatar/cSmash mob with lining up MS and Overpower procs. It’s crazy disparity. There’s no reason prot should be having a higher damage execute than Arms, which is like… the entire shtick for arms is big fat executes and chunky crits.
I can get 1.5mil crits with mine in Hero Dungs. It hits hard till i got into a few zeros, now i dont have the time to throw a few executes out, unless its a single target fight.
It’s been like this for awhile. Also this is great for Prot PvP which I main. My biggest crit is 1.6 mil on a Mage.
Prot is supposed to be the Execute spec. 
Nope you are forgeting Prot has more attack power so that is why there is a big variance in damage.
Execute - Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing [(194.58% of Attack power) + (219.074% of Attack power)] Physical damage.
Prot gets attack power from Mastery. The OP likely has decent mastery and when he switches to Prot he’s getting a big Attack power boost which will raise the tool tip of execute a lot.
Any spell that is mostly based on Attack power will do more damage for Prot as they have Mastery to scale Attack power. My tool tip damage for execute when I scale up in PvP is 861k.
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Wth are you going on about now? How is prot the execute spec lol?
You don’t know what you’re talking about as usual.
Don’t listen to this guy, he purely plays prot (incorrectly btw) & likes to spout nonsense all over the Arena Forums; dude has no idea how the game works.
I thought his gimmick was rendered obsolete with the release of Cata Classic? Guess he’s got more than one.
you think that’s weird, Fury getting a better execute and bladestorm than arms is rather odd
Times change. That isn’t a bad thing.
No, not within this context anyway. I’m enjoying colossus.
Enlighten us. How is it properly played?
I noticed this too, Prot’s execute hits like a truck while Fury’s is weaker than a Rampage and Arms’ is too reliant on having 60+ rage.
Yeah it’s pretty crazy idk why this is a thing. It’s so backwards.