I ran a little guild with my exwife, Citia, called From the Ashes.
Characters: Fuzzymuscles, Lightmuscles, Ephemoral, Notgol… there were others but I just don’t remember.
We partnered with other guilds at the time, including Evil Shenanigans. People I remember from back then: Captbag, EvilNoob, Papapump, Astie, Tankhot, Lightshot, Golithor, Jedediahi… more will come to me as soon as I finish this.
I jumped to horde sometime in BC, and got into a couple of raiding guilds (Havok and Deaths Desires). Classic will likely be Alliance, though, since my 13 year old son wants to play with me.
Viracon- Alliance.
Played alot on Uther well into BC. Love to hear from anyone.
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I was in WoW and Ozraid for a bit!! <3
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Narvi, Human, Warlock
Aurora Aeternum
Anyone from AA, Baelorian, Sandath
Warriors of Wollongong
Hi Wys and Vira!
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Hey Wys, I just got into this post down below.
Hi Vira. I have played BfA a little bit with Gaffa and Hawk on Amanthul, where they moved WoW
Tell Gnarkill he still owes me mount gold :-p (Dustinw, mage)
Dustinw Alliance Human mage
Guilds, random hero and outcast
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I played Lenark Human Paladin Vanilla on Uther till a free transfer to Muradin happened
I forgot what guilds I was in.
My Bnet is Mezilok #1915
I’m on Azuresong due to the queue on Atiesh. Let me know where your at or hit me up where I’m at.
Warrior, Pally, Shaman,
Was in fallout
GM of Fated
Did you wind up on incendius? I would love to hang out. Is your brother going to play to?
I played a night elf priest named Laraa and a human mage named Caetii.
Not really playing much anymore, since the prior expansion, but just wanted to say I remember several of the names here. (hi yas!)
I am Look for Allie Players on Uther. The Guild Name was " The Deadly Blades"
I played a gnome rogue named Mcspanky.
Made it to Commander.
Wish I could remember my guild name but the only names that come to mind are Zeretuel and Olmanrivers.
I spent way too much time in BGs and world PvP and lying about my age then having my voice crack in vent.
Character Name: Angelgrinder Warlock, Aragorns Paladin
Not sure if anyone remembers me. just stop by and say hi
oh ya, I’m horde mage now.
playing on Server Sulfuras as Angelgrinder
LOL! OMG Mcspanky! It was obviously Gypsy Cab Company that you were in with us
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I also created a toon on Azuresong since a have a RL friends I convinced to play
Undead Warlock - Dagdamor