Uther Alliance Reconnections

Hey, this is Souly, how are you Trib, I lost my main account years ago though.

I played an NE Priest called Souly, was in Veritas Unum.
Aways have wondered what happened to Mike, Warrior for Ascendance lol.
Any of my VU guildies still around? I saw Trib posted.
Also looking for Potatowizard, Shalody

Ayup I played with Ozraid :slight_smile: Hunter named Whismere (very quiet) first mc run got like a crap ton of lewts (was very lucky lol) since vanilla played bc and on my priest Yesnomaybeso. I remember you and Toyfriend!! (and graknon from a earlier post but i dont think he was in ozraid) K was though

yeah i remember them, it was adorabledork! I remember when they quit and gave everything away, made me sad.

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Atreides from Vanguard Elite / Reign / Tarantula Attack Force, looks like there’s some good returns!

I didn’t see an Uther server? Started up on Thunderfury for some horde pvp.

Many good memories with a lot of y’all.

An old mentor! I played Atreides. Looks like you’ve kept going strong!

Hey Yas! Many good times, guys. I played Atreides. Hope all’s good with you guys! I landed on Thunderfury with a few friends for some pvp. Y’all?

sup Wode…Dunstan/Kranky here. =) Playing horde on Blaumeux

Hey I’m still late to the party. I was a launch player and mained a rogue. I loved killing the Horde players outside of their bank.
NE Rogue - Elistice
Guilds - Bureau XIII, Ebon Remant, Crusaders of Apathy

Human Paladin - Dominique
Guilds - Crusaders of Apathy

Hahahah yes!! Gypsy Cab Company how could I forget!! That was by far my best WoW experience.

Angloki? Did you play in HCE for a while in Wrath?

Kaisersoze/Firechucker reporting in formerly of Burning Aftermath/GCC

Where my wagon buddies at?

Edit: Yeesh this thread is about as dead as the server. Oh well.

Hi Cetoh. Kambias here. I miss all the old gang. Lost touch with all of you. I am playing classic on azuresong. Zander, human rogue. would love to catch up.

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This is Chadderly looking for Liv, Prism,Mac, Eli and any other B13 or CoA peeople. Not sure if any of you are still playing Classic but want to try to figure out where everyone is and what toon name you are using and which faction.

Hey this is Quarius (Q, to my guildies)
Looking for anyone from Pure Energy!

Saint and I are playing on Old Blanchy with the same guild name!