Uther Alliance Reconnections

Hey Notafilc. Awesome. I’ll be on Fairbanks horde under the name “Eg” in the guild Contempt with some old Ascendance peeps.

Kurathor, NightElf Warrior

Guilds: PaperTigers, Strange Brew

Hey Adolan!

This is Kurathor (also NE Warrior). We used to play along with Kitaran, an adorable druid that always refused to heal.

Great to know about you again man. :grinning:

Lividity - Human warrior. Offtank for some guild Dave ran. lol. Can’t remember the name. We server hopped to Sen’jin where I was renamed Yagi.

Sybarite was my brother. Human palidan.

We remember you Chadderly and Prism. Chatted with Sleepy infrequently as well as some of you other Ascendence people. Sorry. Its been so long and I’m terrible with names. Ahlung , Regis, Hantavirus, Henny, so many good folks I grouped with along the way.

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I’m planning on recreating PrismCat and Skuttler on Atiesh. Are you going to play Classic? Which server are you planning on?
I’m happy you responded. I had no clue what had happened to everyone.

Lividity!!! I’ll be on Atiesh, remaking PrismCat and Skuttler. Where will you be at?
Do you know what happened to Ahlung, Henny, and Diahara? You, Chadderly, and those three are the ones I miss most. :slight_smile:

I created Grouchie on Atiesh. Going to run a warrior to tank. It would be great if we could get some of the old gang together.

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Hey Kur!

Man o man I remember! Kit was great. You guys were one of the first I met in-game. Ah the very beginning. Such great memories.

If you get back on hit me up!

Hey all, I’m coming back…
Dunstan - Paladin
Kranky - Rogue

I was with Ascendance and Vanguard Elite.

Oyo, Mosoner, Eyeless, where you guys at?!

Disc: Philosoraptor#8921


Dunstan/Kranky Here…
Are Mosoner or Eyeless coming back?

Add me on discord! Philosoraptor#8921

I think we are going to incendius do to the queues. I’m east coast. Probably go hunter and warlock this time around…looking to be horde but might change after seeing the server pop. info.

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Crusaders of Apathy and Random Hero

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Yes, to Mos & Potato. Added ya.

Guild: Chaotic Good (Uther)
Players: Hammerhand, Dwell, Jondal

Or anyone else that recognizes me.

Doing well, not sure how much classic ill play. How many servers are there?

shut up and give us healthstones.

Was Xboxfreak (I regret that name) of Androgynous Jackrabbits. I’m coming back ally side on Herod.

Hi there,

I played as Aliandro (Human Warlock) - I was in Ghosts of Retribution and played in Ascendance as well.

Whole family plays wow on Uther still with others.

I am returning but on my Oceanic Server

Oh my god, I remember you! do you remember me? I was Aliandro… the male version of your warlock haha. I was in Ghosts and other raiding guilds :stuck_out_tongue: I remember people got us mixed up all the time.

Amaling NE Hunter was in “Uthers Light”

Used to play with Nomadictiger if your around!