Uther Alliance Reconnections

Gunthix - Dwarf Hunter / Omegatron - Gnome Warrior
I was in Dragon Legion early on and then joined Fallen.

LOL, I haven’t heard that in a long time.

Jerekai! Been a long time!

Adiey, Gnome Mage
Adolan Nightelf Warrior

Memeber of Vita Infinita, Burning Aftermath, Founder of Epic, Ascendance, and Chapter Zero.

Friends: Dmanderek, Mbev, Killall, Hemoglobin, Blinz, Jaydee, Darkwired, Vertigris, Sleepy.

My current guild is creating a Horde Guild on Atiesh.

Hit me up!

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Adiey, Gnome Mage
Adolan, Nightelf Warrior

Memeber of Vita Infinita, Burning Aftermath, Founder of Epic, Ascendance, and Chapter Zero.

Friends: Dmanderek, Mbev, Killall, Hemoglobin, Blinz, Jaydee, Darkwired, Vertigris, Sleepy.

My current guild is creating a Horde Guild on Atiesh.

Hit me up!

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Was Amarya on Azuremyst, transferred to Uther as Ichijo. Human Warlock. Still playing same character today :). Not really sure what guild i came to Uther for though, looking forward to seeing old guildies.

Ceto, human rogue. Also Cetoh, night elf priest. Both in Apocalypse, most memorably.

Xaktharkas, Whitelighter, Dakkota, Winkle the Destroyer, Moogy? Anybody out there?

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Ya it has! You planning on playing Classic at all?

Character: Overclocker Human Male. Tank.
Guild: Ghosts of Retribution.
Known for: Calling out for “Big heals on Overclocker” during boss fights and sounding like Darth Vader on the mic (issue has been resolved!)

It’s been way too long. I recognized Solaria’s name and of course Dirky. I miss that era, life was simpler then. Hope all is well, hope to see you in Classic in a few days.

The DRE on a robbin spree! Just a straight G… :smiley: Annalise here, OG Uther I mainly play on my hunter Feylara these days but my mage is still around casual in Ascendance. I was mainly in Gypsy Cab Company back in the day and no we didn’t have two full raids going after those world dragons hell we struggled to fill a full 40 on Naxx days, BWL farm nights were sure full though :-p I doubt I’ll play classic, yes I have fond memories but that AQ rep grind killed my will to live once, not sure I could survive it a second time :smiley:


HI!!! Hope this isnt too late! Shout out to brothadan best gm ever! what is your battle tag? I will add you and we can link up

Well, I should take my turn at jumping in on the madness:

Antos - NE Rogue
Iliara - NE Druid (Super Laser Chicken Extraordinaire)

Hello to any of the old Warriors of Wollongong/OzRaid folks who might be lurking out there.

This has been bugging me for a bit. What was the name of the Primary Enchanter that was always posted in Ironforge? Every time you logged in, you would see her in Trade channel buying mats and selling enchants.
Angelsey? Anglesei? something completely different? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh hi Mel!

Playing on Whitemane



Not sure. I really don’t play much at all any more.

Hi Alliance Uther folks,

Total: Night Elf Rogue

Rafiki: Troll Shaman (main char)

Alliance guild: I don’t remember at all.

Good to see so many familiar names that destroyed me when grinding to rank 11 in BG’s.

Think I’ll be playing Thalnos or one of the new EST PVP servers.

Hey all
I’m looking for an old friend Nadiia
I was Immortalfire Hunter for Incite
Good luck in Classic everybody!

Hey Prism,

Chadderly here. moved on to a paladin now but still playing a little.

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