Using Steam Deck and PC have separate settings?

Hi all,
To clarify the subject title, I’ll be getting a steam deck this coming week. I’d like to use it to play WoW from time to time while I’m not on my PC.

I’m concerned though that once I set it up on the deck with console port will that affect all the settings when playing my pc. I’m worried about loosing my keybinds to one or the other systems etc.

Here’s a scenario to illustrate. I log into my warrior on my steam deck with console port setup to do some dailies in ZM. Then later that day I log in on my PC to my warrior to do some arena. How would that look? Would the UI layout on my pc and binds be messed up from server side data loading from my previous session on the deck?

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Run that on the steamdeck before you change anything else.

Thanks a lot! I’ll do that. Could you explain this a bit more out of curiosity? Does it bring stuff down server side locally, then set stuff to be stored locally from there on?

If I might suggest a small change:

/run local t={"synchronizeConfig", "synchronizeSettings","synchronizeMacros","synchronizeBindings"} for k, v in pairs(t) do C_CVar.SetCVar(v,0) end ReloadUI()

Did this work?

Did you have to charge anything else ?

Resurrecting this thread. Curious to know if this worked! Cheers

Its been not working for me. I’ve run the macro on both my PC and Steam Deck, and the more recent one I use will replace the hotbars for the other.

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Did you have any luck with this? Trying to figure it out myself, thanks in advance!

Just to clarify,
Elvenbanes code won’t work as it is using k for the CVar settings.
In the for loop being executed, k is the implied table key which in this case is 1, 2, 3, 4

My modification adds the v (key values or “synchronizeConfig” etc.) to the loop and uses that for the CVars.

Edit: Both sets of code are now functionally identical.


Updated, thanks!


Sorry to necro this thread but what exactly does this do? Does it stop all settings, keybind, config and macro’s froom being synced? Is it per character, device or account? I assume if I WANT macros to be synced I omit `“synchronizeMacros”?

It’s per device, for any of the options you want to sync, set to 1.

The macro just loops through a table of all the sync CVars and turns them all off but they could be done individually or you could get the AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon and browse/set the CVars in-game.