[Help] Synchronize settings on multiple PC

Hello! I have two platforms I play WoW on, one is a PC that I use a mouse and keyboard, the other is a steam deck so I’m “technically” using a controller, I use the addon ConsolePort. My issue is that when I move my spells on my action bars on the addon , it moves them on my other PC since the settings save to a server.

Does anyone know how to prevent this from saving to the server? I’ve tried changing these commands in config under the WTF folder:

/console synchronizeConfig “0”
/console synchronizeSettings “0”
/console synchronizeMacros “0”
/console synchronizeBindings “0”

but everytime I switch computers it defaults back to the last one I used. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

/run local t={"synchronizeConfig", "synchronizeSettings","synchronizeMacros","synchronizeBindings"} for i,k in pairs(t) do C_CVar.SetCVar(k,0) end ReloadUI()

Just got my steam deck today as well. This worked! Thank you!

I’m having trouble getting this to work. My understanding is this will not move abilities between clients. So for example if I have fireball on slot 1 of action 1 bar 1, and move to a different pc, and move fireball to say slot 2, then move back to the first pc, it should still be in slot 1 on the first pc.

If this is not the expected behavior please let me know. Otherwise if it is, its not working after running the macro. I’ve tried running the macro before making changes each login and not at all past the first time.

Negative. All this is doing is preventing your CVars, Interface settings, and keybinds from synching to the version Blizz stores in their end and vice versa.

Abilities on bars, talent setups etc. are automatically synched and can’t be desynched.