Using Queue To Balance Server Population

It is a “consequence” of rolling on a server that is over populated. Every action taken has consequences whether intended or not. Is it anyone’s fault? No. Is it a punishment? Definitely not. DOES IT NEED CORRECTING? HELL YES.

No one said it was a conspiracy BUT YOU. GROW UP.


I 100% agree with you there.

Wow, you think I’m way more worried about this than I actually am.
All I was saying is that if you have one group of players that is finding their experience unenjoyable (people who are on the losing end of a severe imbalance) and then try to fix it by making it unenjoyable for someone else (being unable to play because of a selective queue) then you will still have players that aren’t happy with their experience in the game.

Didn’t mean for you to become super triggered there, friend.

lets explore this a little more.
WHAT IF (big what if)… the players on the majority faction had pretty even play times/hours. The minority faction had big spikes in play times/hours (like raiding times or when a particular streamer likes to stream). Instead of the majority faction being bumped to a queue because a lot of players on the minority faction login at the same time, you would see a queue for the minority players.

note majority and minority refers to overall accounts on the server. Just replace one with Horde and one with Alliance, whatever fits your current server.

My plan vs the Blizzard plan, which one retains more players?



Majority faction players have no reason to transfer. Relocating them against their will to some “PvP” server that has no members of the opposite faction in it, wouldn’t that mean no one would ever be able to log in again?

What you guys want is for somebody else to take one for the team so you don’t have to.

Because it showed up as a recommended thread underneath the Blizzard one about how there is only one layer on most servers. I realized within 20 seconds of posting. But good job bumping it even more. You tool.

this is so dumb idea … the faction cannot be balance just because u feel unfair just reroll as horde get over it!

What is it you don’t like about the idea? How would you improve the situation? Useful feedback is always welcome, “its bad because I say its bad” is not useful feedback.

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It would not “have to happen” if they actually made an attempt to balance faction ratios.


You’re the tard who decided to post in a month old thread. I responded to it because it was at the top of the forum.

Stop bumping old threads.

I don’t think Blizzard will ever add any “rule” which treats players differently based on player choices – especially very longterm choices like race (faction).

Yes, waiting in a queue sucks. Blizzard wants that suckinosity to be shared equally (first come, first server), not by faction. And if it continues or gets worse, Blizzard will add servers. We still have open server transfers, which means that (in Blizzard’s opinions) it is okay to make some servers larger while shrinking the queue servers.

I do not accept your “sitting in an Inn” comparison. Maybe YOU would do that. But millions of other players are not YOU.

You can be banned for posting a duplicate, so bumping is the best option, especially when the topic is still relevant.

So under your circumstances your saying it’s 3:1 and you call alliance bad at PvP. Looks like someone’s worried they may take away his EZMode

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How do we take one for the team? Reroll horde and make the balance worse?

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here a pic from 2 months ago from around 6-7am, a few hours before the queue would ramp up to the 1000’s

Yes. Reroll alliance you selfish whinger. Dont want to be stuck in hordes queue? Join alliance. Help balance the population.

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Duders, just use the </> tag

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If you’re talking about something that hasn’t been posted about in weeks, you’re in the clear to make a new thread.

On the other hand, you can get banned for necroing old-[butt] threads. I know, because I’ve received a suspension for exactly that.

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The subject of the thread is still relevant. If all you have to add is backseat moderating, via bump posts of your own, why not just, you know, not read or post in it?