Using Queue To Balance Server Population

And insults towards anyone who bumps month-old threads.

How exactly does it harm you? Is it causing the valuable ā€œis classic dying?ā€ and ā€œblizz suckā€ threads off the page too quickly?

It would have exactly the same impact on the front page as a new thread would have had.

Then what is your agenda here, if the result is the same?

Not to have to look at threads from months ago.

I feel Iā€™ve been very clear on this point.

Not looking at them is an option. However you prefer to exercise backseat moderating. If you have interest in the topic, the age of a thread has no bearing on anything.

One thing you have been clear on since I began seeing your posts appear on the forum: you are just here to troll, both concern trolling and other.

Not true, since I have to look at the thread to see that itā€™s a necro.

Not bumping them to the top so I have to see them is an option.

The information is outdated, which is one of the reasons necroing is a bannable offense.

Nope. Thatā€™s never been my goal, nor has it been the effect.

Also, ā€œconcern trollingā€ is a very specific thing. It certainly doesnā€™t apply anywhere in here.

bringing this back because its the only clear way to fix the problemā€¦ USE FACTION BASED QUEUES!!! there is no downside to it.

I was going to write a post about this, then found this post. This needs to be a thing. This would be the most effective way to even out server populations.

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