Using Phasing to grief

Normally the situation I see is people using phases to get out of a hostile area and into a new one where they will be left alone in peace, but in this situation I was just in, someone was killing my alt and other lowbies in Redridge consistently, so I logged in my main to kill him. Both times he tried to phase out to avoid being ganked, succeeding on the second after he was dead (his body disappeared), no doubt just to get back to terrorizing lowbies without repercussion. I find this hard to accept.

My understanding is that phasing was supposed to be removed after a couple weeks from launch… what exactly is keeping it around? My server no longer has a 25k queue… its down to 500 at prime time. It’s time to get rid of it so we can have a proper classic experience here. It’s just being abused in various ways.


They are phasing it out as we speak. Around a dozen servers are down to one layer. They are probably removing them as prime time population gets closer to original vanilla cap.

On a side note that guy is a coward, as most gankers are. But phasing to a different layer to avoid repercussions is a whole new level of coward. Can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Isn’t that what happens when you release?


Considering every server has at max 2 layers now you could easily just follow em.


Smart ganker. Using phasing so he can keep ganking. That’s a great idea. Just wait tell phase 2 when flight paths in 48+ zones are going to be piles of the dead. Great time to be ranking out in the world.

Well, the body sort of blinks when they release from their corpse to the graveyard, but the corpse stays there until they get back. What happened looked exactly like a phase. He was still dead at his corpse and then disappeared, and his body wasn’t left there like it normally would be if he had just released.

It’s all about whether or not someone is willing to help you with it, and whether or not those people are even in the other phase. I tried two people from my guild, which didn’t work, and no one else in redridge was talking, so I couldn’t find anyone to switch me over.

I’ve seen that happen, and I assumed the person took a spirit rez. Oh well.

When you do that, your corpse turns into a skeleton. He didn’t leave a skeleton at all. His body just disappeared.

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OK, well that’s weird.

deviate delight has no phasing… REJOICE!

He may have logged out, I think that may be what happens.

Nope. When you release, your body stays there. When you res or spirit res, it is replaced with a skeleton. It disappears if you layer hop.

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What is this Griefing i keep hearing about? There is no such thing as griefing on a pvp server.

you sure he didnt just res at graveyard then hearth? I am unclear how you reached the conclusion this was phasing

There’s a blue post about it

It’s just like retail. I have had entire raid groups phase in out of nowhere in the middle of a fight with someone. “Layer invites” are being exploited.

People keep saying this but after you land you have 30 seconds of being honorless.

This was explained in an earlier post.

That doesn’t stop them from keeping the flightmaster dead so you can’t escape, killing you anyway, and then killing you again once you res and are worth honor.

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Doesn’t your body disappear when you log? I used to leave people alone when their body disappeared but left no skeleton. Prob showing noobness here but it is what it is.