Using delves to shove folks into mythics

I think there is a need for untimed dungeons tuned exactly the way Dawn of the Infinites was tuned/rewarded for regular and hard-mode in S4 of DF. That felt like it was in an extremely good place.

They’ve done it before, just do it every season. Add a difficulty, call it Mystic or something because players will riot if mythic 0 is made harder, and then add a Mystic hard-mode.

If that’s the case, it failed.

I’d wager less people do Mythic+, due to Delves being available.



The whole “raid, m+ or log off” forced more players into m+ than delves ever could.

With delves, more players will stick around and play WoW longer, and fewer people will feel like m+ is the only thing in WoW to do, and begrudgingly go in there because literally their only other option is to simply log off.

I can speak from personal experience, I immensely enjoyed getting 590+ purples out of delves. In prior expansions, I’d get up to Heroic Dungeons, do a few and get bored after doing several dungeons and not getting any loot.


But the only reason to get crests to upgrade your gear is if you want to do higher M+ levels or raids. If you don’t want to do either then there is no pressure to go beyond 600.


I see this same debate across several game modes and it is assuming that I do not want to two-shot world elites too. The metric microblizz uses TKK [time to kill] I want to kill stuff fast in the open world too.

That can be a great advantage to a gatherer or world quest completer etc.

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I love the delvs they are fun and the gear progression from them is nice. Delvs are a perfect way for me to log on jump into one get it done get out and log off. No time wasted sitting looking for group. The only thing I wish was the higher delves gave gilded crests so I can max my hero track gear out faster. Grinding 90 runed crests to upgrade is getting really grindy, BUT beats trying mythic plus this season at least.

I’ve only done delves and completely ignored M+ this season. This is the longest I’ve been subbed to wow in quite a while. I love it. Sadly there are people (mostly trolls) that wish to see delve gear nerfed. I wish them the worst RNG possible in their future endeavors.


No need to white knight a terrible design either.


I’m not angry that M+ exists. It’s just not for me. I don’t enjoy timed modes. Before delves existed, I stopped at M0, only did M+ very rarely when my guild was doing one and needed a healer. Delves are just an additional option for me.

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Some people will never be happy :dracthyr_shrug:

Low keys aren’t even hard. I don’t get all the M+ hate. Unless you are really, really bad you are timing low keys no problem. I’m talking not pressing buttons bad.

I think that is what follower dungeons are for. Delves are not dungeons. They don’t even feel like it. At all. To me. If those are how you think dungeons are, you may never have been in one.

If one wishes to solo dungeons, there is an actual option to…solo dungeons. Are you unaware of it? It sounds like it, if you think delves are solo dungeons.

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They aren’t like modern dungeons but they have a very similar feel to the older BC-Wrath dungeons. They were slower paced, involved more careful pulls and more extensive use of hard cc.


They really weren’t.

With Delves, you now have a form of endgame content. Before Delves, there was no way for players to get higher ilvl gear without raiding or M+, now there is. If you want higher gear levels, you have to do higher difficulty content which is M+ and raiding.

Delves can be used as a stepping stone into M+, but it does not force you to play M+.

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I agree and that’s one of the reasons I like delves. In previous releases I would find myself unable to do simple questing in the 2nd or 3rd season because my gear wasn’t good enough.

That being said, there’s no reason to be one or two shooting stuff. As long as I can win the battles well enough to do the quests, that’s good enough.

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I wish they could find a way to simulate mythic plus boss and mob mechanics in higher tier delves. If I could pratice things on my own terms i would feel more comfortable joining keys and less stess of failure in a group setting.


I would rather do Torghast agree. Delves are less mechanically interesting, easier (which is funny because Torghast gave you super powers) and overall just boring.

Delves make me fall asleep zzzzz. At least in Torghast I had to give it some amount of attention, no matter how minute it was.


If you are talking about Mythic dungeons, that would fall more under an improvement to follower dungeons than delves.

How can a person possibly feel more funneled into M+ with delves in the picture than without?

If you were fine capping at world quest ilvl before how can you not be fine with delve ilvl now?

I don’t get it.

Blizzard desperately tries to get us to group with one another. But it never works because they do that in the most backward grating boomer way possible. They force it, then they make it miserable.

They are the parents that put you in the itchy sweater and make you sit for pictures for “holiday fun”.

Timers make us snap at each other, punishments make us hate each other. Crappy loot makes us resent each other.

I have to do mythic in order to finish leveling up my heroic gear!!?? Why!

Delves are the fake out that makes us think they learned…. But they didn’t.


Except it’s not.

No they weren’t.

So you’re just doomsaying for no reason?

If you dislike Delves, then just say it. But as someone who used to enjoy M+ at higher keys when it first came out, then dropped to casual lower keys, then watched the key bracket get deleted… I’ve found Delves to be awesome. I enjoy the fact that I can do it solo or with small groups. I love that it’s not timed. I’ve got my own gearing path and it’s perfect to me.

So what’s your issues with Delves? Because you just did a doomsaying vaguepost with zero detail.