Using delves to shove folks into mythics

yes, and no.

But say people have 10 keys to run before they exhaust gear, vs five, etc.

It’s stuff like that. 5 keys and they need to get good enough or 10.

Maybe this person needs eight. etc.

Someone doing ten keys should be better (at the dungeons) than the same person only doing five.

You want to ensure people can still attain power upgrades if they can significantly improve skill while they are there in those keys.

And with delves, that is sometimes, lacking.

So you’re talking about a small group of people who get too much gear out of Delves and end up hitting M7 earlier than they should?

How often does that REALLY happen, I wonder?

Big enough to negatively impact a huge portion of the playerbase who does Delves primarily as their main content? I don’t think so.

I think some tweaks to the M+ system could solve some of these problems without yanking rewards away from delvers.

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It happened to me. (Or rather, I should say, I did +6, while wanting to be in +7s.) You know, for score, for faster invites.

That shouldn’t happen in a proper system.

If people have ways to benefit from a +6 (skill or score) the system should also award power.

Score is a player-invented system, though.

You can’t walk up to Blizz devs and go “Hey I can still get Score in a +6 I should be able to get player power too!”

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That’s right ,except that what are we going to do ? Pvp and professions are to be avoided so much they have become frustrating and useless .Wait for the next xp ,that makes sense

A proper system would have it if players can gain score from it, they can also gain power.

(Barring rare exceptions.)

A developer is not going to tailor their game around some kind of arbitrary system players came up with, lol.

What next, should we be basing raid drops on DKP systems?

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I think this can only work if there is only 1 system that gives power.

If there is a second source of power that’s independent from the score system, it stops working.

Which is why he wants to remove power from all other systems.

And heck.

How about this?

M+ gear only works in M+. IIRC, the Raiders were saying stuff like this back when M+ was first introduced. Same argument back then. “Too many M+ scrubs in my heroic raids!”

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Well before delves, m+ was king.

And never felt that keys I still needed for score were a waste of time. Cause delves pumped out free normal-raid loot equivalent.

Eh, raids existed, but people still overwhelmingly ran m+ for loot.

Oh m+ definitely has a negative impact on raids.

OK, so you tell me, why is it OK for M+ to hurt raids (assuming it actually does that) and not OK for Delves to hurt M+ (assuming it actually does that)?

Do I detect some kind of personal bias?

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Well, since BFA, raiding has just been a supplementary gear system to M+ given how little gear and other sources of power (AP, crests, etc) it drops comparatively.

It’s not.

M+ and raids are better off walled off from each other.

… you’re going to have to explain to me why M+ is better walled off from raids than Delves are walled off from M+ lol.

Delves is solo content, so walling it off doesn’t matter too much. And not walling it off, is like enabling cheat codes for a single player game. (Who cares?)

Or rather m+ / raid gear affecting delves doesn’t really matter.

The inverse isn’t the same though.

That still doesn’t explain why it’s OK for M+ to dump gear all over you so that you can either ignore, skip, or bypass raids.

I mean, why do Normal Raids if you can M+ gear and then jump into Heroic or Mythic Raids?

But yet it’s somehow OK to do that in your eyes, and not OK to step into M+ with delve gear.

Okay, uh, sure?

It does matter because there’s been a fair bit of whining from M+ players saying that Delves are too easy, partly because they go in overgeared and partly because they go in with the kind of skill you get from being a KSM.

And partly because they play some overpowered soloist class like DK and do it at low item levels, seen that too.

That’s why m + and raids should be walled off.

People are clowning on delve 8 with like 560 gear or something and people make that claim on multiple classes.

It’s not someone fully geared out, saying delves are too easy.

Sure, wall it off, and it’s more content for raiders / m+ players, it’s not a negative.

But… they’re not.

They Claim.

If anything, M+ needs to be walled off from everything else.

Since M+ supposedly has conflicts with Raids AND Delves, M+ should be its own thing.

I mean, M+ is the most unlike any other content in WoW with all of the tiers, timed keys, ladders, etc, so wall it off. Make it so that M5-ish starts requiring a stat found only on M+ gear without which you will fail.

EDIT: Actually, make it M7. M7 requires a stat found on any gear found in M0-6. Leave the I-levels alone. Delves still gives good gear, but Delve gear will NOT have that stat on it.

Raids also have conflicts with delves, but players have kinda adapted to being second-class citizens.

Raids have their own rewards that surpass gear level. You get unique mounts and transmogs out of raids.