Oh!!! I somehow missed that when I was skimming to the bottom of the thread! Thank you so much!!!
You’re welcome.
I need help with the same exact thing on my DH character. PLEASE HELP!!!
Help with what? You might want to be more specific. Did you read through the entire thread?
Yes, it’s happening the same thing to me with the xmog for my aldrachi blades
So? Did you try any of the fixes the thread suggested?
Yea I reset the interface and everything else
Just a few questions if I may:
- Your DH is currently in Vengeance spec, correct?
- You are attempting to transmog a non-Artifact weapon to an Artifact appearance, correct?
Here is a screenshot of one of my DHs with the transmog screen open, this is what shows for her:
Compared to what shows at the Forge for which appearances she has unlocked:
Here is a Wowhead link that shows all the appearances & tints for the Aldrachi Warblades: https://www.wowhead.com/acquiring-aldrachi-warblades-vengeance-demon-hunter-artifact
So is the issue that you are not seeing all of the appearances/tints that you have unlocked for the Aldrachi Warblades OR are you not seeing any at all?
I have the second row for my Aldrichi appereance but in the transmog guy won’t show, it’s shows just one, the green one from the first row
Ok, it’s shows now, thank you guys!!!
Great to hear!
Whether I choose a dropdown appearance in the transmog screen or equip the claws of ursoc and change the appearance in my class hall, none of the bear skins work.
I may be remembering wrong, but don’t druids have to select their form appearance in the barber shop?
You’re not wrong at all Head on over to a barber shop Flatwulf and you’ll see the options there.