Useful Macro Templates

ok, will do! Thanks so much.

Honestly why are you even trying to do this?

All these zone abilities are using the ExtraActionButton as the button they are bound to for the UI

One Macro that will work in majority of cases which you can just assign to BT4Button7 in your case.

/click ExtraActionButton1 LeftButton

This basically creates a macro that emulates you mouse clicking the zone ability. Regardless of what zone you are in this will use the corresponding Zone/Instance ability.

However, there is a few very rare occasions where the Zone/Instance uses an additional Extra Action Button. So to fix that issue you can just modify the macro to one which using a key modifier so you can click the second button as needed, otherwise it will always be the standard button.

/click [mod: alt] ExtraActionButton2 LeftButton; ExtraActionButton1 LeftButton

You can use the various other macro conditions as well based on your own personal needs. For example you could do this if the second ability uses a Right Button Mouse Click instead

/click [mod:alt] [@mouseover, combat, nodead] ExtraActionButton2 RightButton; ExtraActionButton1LeftButton

However, with all that being said the simplest thing to do is just use the Keybind settings and assign any keybind you like to ExtraActionButton1 and an alternative keybind to ExtraActionButton2.
Then you just use your keybind assignments to use the abilities regardless of what zone/instance or ability it is. This even works for the extra abilities that appear as part of boss fights or raid encounters as well by the way.

Hopefully that helps you.

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Thanks for the info. I actually found some another post that helped to add to this. Since the Garrison (Draenor) and Class Hall (Legion) abilities aren’t exactly Extra Action abilities, I’m trying this:

/click [mod:shift]ExtraActionButton2 LeftButton;ExtraActionButton1 LeftButton
/use Garrison Ability
/use Combat Ability

It seems to work so far, however, I can’t get the tooltips to work. Any idea on that?

With the trust level bug fix released the other week, it appears I no longer have the necessary trust level to edit the OP.

So, stay tuned while I waste my time mindlessly scrolling through 200 topics viewed and 19000 posts read (yes, these are the actual numbers Support gave me) in order to get back up to TL3.

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That’s insane. Sorry to hear you’re having to do that
 Thanks for all your help!

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Class Utility macros have been updated with the 10.2.6 optimizations.

Removed the [mod:alt,@player] from the Mouseover and Help/Harm templates as people seem to prefer them without.

hey bro, it possible to use one macro for 2 different class? I mean, Shaman Riptide and Druid Rejuvenation use on one single macro. Just asking for want to know about. Thank

You could do that with the known conditon.

In general it’s not something you’d wanna do cuz of macro character limits.

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Well that helpful of trying with Know Condition. But there some addition problem, when i try to mouseover on a target, the spell icon did not show and it change to “?” sign, if not mouseover on a target, it show normal spell icon what i put it. There any solution for that is? This is what i make macro now below,
/use [@mouseover,help][known:Rejuvenation] Rejuvenation
/use [@mouseover,help][known:Riptide] Riptide

[this, and this]
[this] [or this]
/cast [known:774,@mouseover,help,noded] [known:774] Rejuvenation; [known:61295,@mouseover,help,nodead] [known:61295] Riptide
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I always mess this up. What is the template if I wanted to make a macro that prioritizes an ability (help/harm) on Focus, Mouseover then Target (in that order). ie like a kick or taunt macro.

Is this correct?

/use [@focus,harm,nodead][@mousover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] ability

If you want it to be reaction agnostic (help or harm) then it becomes exists

/cast [@focus,exists,nodead] [@mousover,exists,nodead] [] SPELL

Basically, take any of these, copy the mouseover block, stick it in front, replace @mouseover with @focus.

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thank you

Was just informed of a better World Marker spam WA that works like the pre-11.0 versions!

Big thanks to Clove for making it available and to Captain for telling me about it!

Hi everyone,

I don’t have much experience making macros in WoW and I would like your help to know if it is possible to make a macro that casts the Misdirection skill directly on the party’s tank. Or would it be possible to put the party’s tank in focus and then cast the Misdirection skill on the focus?

Thank you in advance.

Sure is.

If you just want the Misdirection portion:

/cast [@focus,help,nodead] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] [@pet,exists] [] Misdirection

Do you know if there is something like @role:tank instead of @focus?

Not without addons.

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: