Useful Macro Templates

Any suggested macros for sub rogue?
Also anything good working for pick pocket?

What are you trying to do/optimize that isnā€™t working/efficient with the base spells? Iā€™ve got my personal key condensing macros that are linked at the bottom of the OP, but I havenā€™t spent much time playing Rogue this xpac so theyā€™re not nearly as good as they could be.

This setup is the most promising one Iā€™ve seen

/cast Pick Pocket

Realistically nothing specific as far as spells go currently, still new to the game so learning stuff.
But just curious thereā€™s some super simple stuff that just combine basic actions.

Like I have a Druid and found a macro that is really cool. I just use it as my keybind to switch to cat instead. Worse thing is I just waste dash if I actually need it. Not really a big deal it seems.

#showtooltip Dash
/cancelform [noform:3] 
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form 
/cast Dash

Any macros would make gathering a lot easier, for example the pick pocket ones. Nothing crazy.

/cast [harm, nodead] sap

I donā€™t think I want to sap them before pick pocketing? When would this be used?
I assume itā€™d be like an opener in PvE, run behind a mob, run this spell it saps them, pockets them, then you kill them?
This would interfere with using something like Stealth + Shadowblade opening though, so that confuses me.

/cast Pick Pocket

The second one seems like it might be what I am looking for, does it just cast Pick Pocket whenever you press tab on an enemy that you are close to? So I can just walk around and press tab and it pick pockets automatically?
Just confused as to what the macro is actually doing.

The guides on wowhead generally have a Macros & Addons section that contains some macros recommended by the authors. I sometimes have issue with the syntax they use, but they work.

That macro is wrong for Retail (Cat Form is 2), should be:

/cast [noform:2] Cat Form; Dash

I was just showing the source of the template that seems to be the most promising given the /cleartarget issues in the current environment. Sap macros are more used in PVP or when Soloing.

I will check out the guides there, thanks!
Also weird, the cat macro seems to work.

Figured, so basically when you sap the enemy it pick pockets them, and then you attack?

So ideally you do something like Stealth > Shadowstrike > Macro (Saps, pick pockets) > Continue attacking them?

Canā€™t Sap/Pickpocket enemies that are in combat. So no, youā€™d never be hitting them with Shadowstrike like that.

Form numbers are 1-n left to right as they appear on your stance bar

So, assuming your forms are in the same order as I have them, the macro you posted is saying, if youā€™re not in Travel Form then go into Cat Form and Dash.

Hey Elv, tried searching, but to no availā€¦ How do I fix this Wotlk prot warrior macro to Charge if Iā€™m ooc and then switch stance and drop a TC if Iā€™m in combat? It keeps stalling on the shift to Defensive Stance:

/cast [nocombat,stance:2] Battle Stance; [nocombat]Charge
/cast [combat;stance:1]Defensive Stance; [combat]Thunder Clap

Maybe also add a Victory Rush before I shift to DS?

The ; in [combat;stance:1]Defensive Stance is breaking it.

Also, Iā€™m pretty sure you can stance dance and cast something else in the same GCD, so try this instead.

/cast [nocombat,noform:1] Battle Stance; [combat,noform:2] Defensive Stance
/cast [nocombat] Charge; Thunder Clap
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smacks head
Thanks, as always, youā€™re amazing

EDIT: Works like a charm.

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Ok, help again please, this wotlk druid macro isnā€™t completely working rightā€¦ Itā€™ll put me into cat and stealth, but nothing for bear.

#showtooltip Prowl
/cast [mod:alt]Bear Form(Shapeshift); [nostance:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [mod:alt, stance:1]!Growl; [nostealth, nocombat, stance:3]!Prowl; Prowl

What am I missing?

Are you holding alt?

/cast [mod:alt,noform:1] Bear Form(Shapeshift); [mod:alt] Growl; [noform:3] Cat Form(Shapeshift); !Prowl

I am indeed. Still doesnā€™t work, not even your rewrite. When Iā€™m in cat, it says ability not ready, and when hold alt, I get the ? icon

Then Bear Form is the wrong spell. Open your spell book at the same time as the macro edit window and shift click the spell from your spellbook, as if you were linking an item in chat.

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Yep, that was it, spell changed to Dire Bear Form @ 40. Thanks.

Now start using /use instead of /cast

it saves one letter

They also behave slightly different. /cast prioritizes spells while /use prioritizes items. Doesnā€™t come up a lot (last instance I can think of was Legion) but it does come up.

Hey Elv, I want to consolidate the Expansion extra abilities into one button and have searched all over and canā€™t seem to find a macro to use abilities based on zone/location.

Is this do-able? Based on some other sites, Iā€™ve tried the following with no success:

/run if GetZoneText()==572 then BT4Button7=Call to Arms;if GetZoneText()==619 then BT4Button7=Combat Ally;if GetZoneText()==905 then BT4Button7=Vindicaar Matrix Crystal end


/run if GetZoneText()==572 then /cast Call to Arms;if GetZoneText()==619 then /cast Combat Ally;if GetZoneText()==905 then /cast Vindicaar Matrix Crystal end

With a secure button template it might be but Iā€™m not really familiar with that side of things and I donā€™t know if itā€™ll work in combat.

Gotcha. Yeah, Iā€™m no coder and thatā€™s way over my head. Guess Iā€™ll revert to mod macro. :wink: TY!

Fizzle or one of the others who deal more in Lua might be able to build a button for you.
I recommend making a new topic, not sure if they check this thread.