Useful Macro Templates

You could also setup an @NAME macro but it’ll require updating it each time the tank has a different name. There’s a 2 macro setup that can automate that for you.

Create a blank macro called MD

Create a 2nd macro called Set MD with the following:

/run local n=UnitName("target") or "pet" if not InCombatLockdown() then EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName("MD"),nil,nil,"#showtooltip\n/cast [@"..n..",help,nodead] [@pet,exists] [] Misdirection") print("Misdirection target set to "..n) end

Target the tank and hit Set MD. It’ll populate their name and the rest in MD then use that to cast on the tank.


Do you know a tutorial or a user guide to learn about WoW Macros?

Nope. I recommend reading through Adreaver’s stickied post.