šŸŽ„ Use original account for classic or make new?

I can see players starting a new account for a clean slate and also when/if they get caught buying gold they donā€™t lose their main account.

Iā€™m considering making a new account so a friend can take advantage of the ā€œrecruit a friendā€ bonuses. He plays retail, Iā€™ll be 100% on Classic

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I considered a new account also - however - Iā€™m proficient at making gold quickly in Retail which I trade in for WoW tokens.

IE: Free subscription that I will be denying myself if I separate the two.

I can see a number of reasons to do this. Interesting.

You canā€™t sub to the game without the game client.

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I donā€™t understand your argument. You know there isnā€™t flying in classic, right?

Iā€™m not hoping they bring that back to retail either. FedEx quests werenā€™t what made Vanilla fun.

What Iā€™m hoping they bring back is more challenging world gameplay. In retail, pretty much all world content is soloable, and trivial. It is an AoE grind fest, group up as many monsters as possible and blast them down. Almost no risk of death ever.

In Vanilla, you have to pay attention and be careful not to aggro adds, because they are very likely to kill you, or at least make you retreat to safety. This made the game feel much bigger and more epic. If you werenā€™t on a road you had to be pretty careful and pay attention to your surroundings.

In retail, even without flying, you just run through areas and ignore everything because the damage they do is so trivial.

That is what I hope they restore to retail. A world that feels big and epic and challenging. Not tedious quest design. Honestly, I find the world quest content in retail to be tedious even when they are all in the same area. Tedious not because it takes a long time, but because it isnā€™t ā€œengagingā€. You can just turn your brain off and mash the same buttons over and over again.

And, yes, Iā€™m aware that vanilla combat is also just mashing the same buttons over and over, but in vanilla the creatures in the world have the ability to actually kill you.

You literally need not spend a cent beyond the sub cost to play classic.
Neither WoW version requires payment in order to download the client.

There is one really good reason that no one has mentioned yet. A brand new account wipes out your entire history. Forum posts, Bnet friends, etc. You get the opportunity to start from scratch. Many people started playing when they were young and immature, and this gives them fresh start. Any history of being reported, suspended, banned, etc. is gone. So when people continue to abuse the reporting system for being offended by every little thing, you at least donā€™t get the severe punishments that escalate for repeat offenses. You also get more of a real Vanilla experience by meeting people organically and not just sticking to your long term existing acquantainces. You get to hide from all those people you connected with but no longer want to associate with for whatever reason, but also donā€™t want to offend by removing them. If you are just sticking to Classic, you can keep everything separate and not be bother with people playing Retail or other Blizzard games. There is no additional cost involved as there was previously by having to buy the game client and any expansion. This makes multiboxing easier and you can just go month to month with no sunk long term cost.

New account if you donā€™t want to play/talk to any of the people on your old battle.net or are planning on doing less than squeaky clean activities.

Other than that I see no reason not to play on the account you already have. Having 15 years of activity and stuff you remember about the account will if it ever gets hacked or something.

the same account, so you can pop in and see whatā€™s new with retail when new content/an expansion is released, and donā€™t have to pay for the extra sub (on the off-chance you do decide to go back)

Yes, Iā€™m not playing WOW Classic for flight.

My point was explicitly related to Retail, in which I loved flying during TBC, Wrath, and even Cata. When I came back and tried Legion, the Pathfinder nonsense was part of what absolutely killed any desire to move in the zones, quest more than necessary ā€¦ and the WOW that I love playing is a world I want to travel in, and quests I do on dozens of characters.

The only way theyā€™d do that is if they figure out some real magic to go with the level squish theyā€™re talking about. The problem in Retail is that a vast portion of the player base DOES NOT WANT challenging gameplay in the world during a long 120+ level grind. They want to get to end-game so fast that people pay for boosts, people time things around DMF buffs and other ways to gain XP faster.

I agree completely on the big and epic, and a large part of that is reflected in the other part you didnā€™t quote: ā€œbig expansive zones with lots of empty spaceā€.

I think challenging would be too big a sticking point as the more challenge added to lower levels in a game with 120+ to get through, the more player attrition from those who find the challenge level unfun. (Theyā€™d manage better with a WOW 2 development that broke clean away from Retailā€™s rampant power-scaling and vertical progression.)

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I dont know why you would start a new one. Simply put if you ever want to go back to retail while plating classic there would be no additional cost.

How does this change the fact making a new account makes no sense at all.

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Totally clean and new account thatā€™s unblemished by any inferior version of WoW that came out after Vanilla.

Clean feels good.

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I hadnā€™t thought about it really. But the idea of a fresh friend list without seeing a bunch of people playing hearthstone or whatever unrelated is nice, and more vanilla-like.

But Iā€™m lazy and will be on discord with friends no matter what, so I doubt it will happen.

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At this point in time, if you create a new battle.net account and subscribe to WoW, you will have access all the way up to Legion.

When the next expansion comes out, itā€™s safe to conclude you will have access in this method all the way up to Battle for Azeroth.

Classic WoW just needs the subscription. You will get Retail with it, but remain one expansion behind.

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I be bringing back VENT!