🎄 Use original account for classic or make new?

Since nothing transfers from retail and classic, who is planning on creating a brand new fresh account for classic?

I am considering it.

Edit: this is obviously a question for returning players with no active account and are coming back solely for classic.

:christmas_tree: in July

I would think that if you created a brand new account you would have to re-purchase the game.Not sure why folks would want to do that but /shrug.

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There is no purchase for classic. You simply start a sub.



The only way you’d have to purchase anything other than a sub is if you intend to play the current expansion.

What would be the overall purpose of creating a new account?


I was about to give you a rebuttal about how if I ever wanted to go back to retail if they somehow miraculously fix a lot of the problems, but then I thought about it. The idea of making a totally new account with a completely empty friends list on b-net, where you could play with no distractions, and populating a new friend list with people you meet in classic is starting to appeal to me. This deserves a little more thought.


Yes, but I realize things have changed over the years. I dont think you can just “sub” to wow. I think you have to own the game to play it.

Im going with my old account

Both. I recently merged my original account from Vanilla to my current Bnet. I will use 1 account for me and 1 for my kids.


That fresh account smell? Nostalgia of starting with a clean slate?

You can “just sub”. You start a free trial account then pay for your subscription. The only “Purchase” necessary for WoW now is the current expansion, Battle For Azeroth.


You literally do not have to own anything unless you want to play the BFA content.

Just thought of another reason: to send a message that you personally have no intention of playing modern wow (if you never create a modern wow character)

All you need is a sub.

Regardless that, you will be starting fresh because you have 0 characters on the classic servers. We will all be starting fresh on Aug. 26. IMO no need for a new account.

Why would you pay twice as much when you don’t have to? Unless you are planning to suspend your retail account, but you didn’t mention that.

Serious question: did you actually read beyond the thread title?

Well you did mention transfers from retail and classic. :wink:

What? Please explain your logic. Your first part makes sense, but the second half doesn’t.

An extra $15 per month? I don’t think so.


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Why? What benefit is there to having a second account? If you decided to go play retail you’d have to log out/in to do so.

Why even ask this question?