šŸŽ„ Use original account for classic or make new?

As I have several accounts (this gal is on the main, but there are two other accounts on this one, and two accounts on other battle.net accounts), I plan to use one of the non-main accounts.

Biggest reason? It tickles me having her profile pre-level squish of BfA, so Iā€™m a priest with 2.7 million HP (compared to the, what, 400k or less of a tank in BfA?)

I donā€™t plan to make a NEW account. I wouldnā€™t want Blizzard to be able to add that to their ā€œlook how popular we areā€ numbers. (Claiming 100 million accounts created by 2014, but never clarifying how many never went past trial status, how many were never played past getting RAF rewards, how many were created fraudulently, how many hadnā€™t played for years, etc. Yeah, Iā€™m not adding +1 to their marketable XXX million accounts created!)



But why bother?

Maybe just to have a discussion that does not involve layering or RCR?

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No, you wouldnā€™t. If someone made a new account to play WOW Classic, theyā€™d have to ADD GAME TIME to their Retail account (because they wouldnā€™t be paying for it). Then theyā€™d simply run that through the launcher, and potentially could play both simultaneously.

In fact, itā€™s possible - but not tested / confirmed yet - that you might have to log out of Retail to play Classic, and out of Classic to play Retail, if you have them both on the same account. When they did the BlizzCon demo, playing the demo would automatically boot people from their Retail version of that account.

EDIT: And all of this around the assumption thereā€™s even a tiny sliver of interest in playing Retail. Some of us wonā€™t play it even if Blizzard offered us money to do so. We certainly donā€™t bother with their ā€œfree timeā€ offers.


I see no problem with this if you are sure you never want to connect to your old characters and such.

For me, its a no go. Because this character is my history. So for me, my account and all the characters I have had from vanilla to now mean something to me.

But if that is not something you are worried about then go for it. No harm no foul. To those who are arguing against it, well, ya know how our forums go. . someone has got to argue the opposite point of everyone :slight_smile:

Seems like people would be setting themselves up for disappointment if Blizzard decided in the future to make some meta-achievement or feat of strength transfer to retail account. They have said they donā€™t plan on doing this, but things change.

You arenā€™t interested in playing current retail. I get it. It sucks. However, I hold out hope that Blizzard is going to learn something from this classic experiment and make changes to improve retail. IF that happens and retail becomes worthwhile again, Iā€™d rather have all my characters on the same account.

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The account I post on is actually one I made during WotLK when I came back(I didnā€™t play much during TBC). Despite this being my Vanilla Paladin, I just transferred it at some point.

Though I did find and recover my actual Vanilla account the other day, including my Hunter from Vanilla sitting at 60 in half T1 gear.

Iā€™m not sure which account I want to use for Classic.

I would say that it depends if you have like old friends added to your current account. I wouldnā€™t do that if that was the case, i think it would be cool finding old friends in the game and playing with them again.

CE pets transfer. I wonder how much they went up on ebay when that was announced.

Can confirm. Busted out my Mini-Diablo during one of the stress tests.

I could see people doing it if they want an easy way to purge their existing bnet friends list.

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I made a new account (this one), and bought and started playing BFA on it.

So much dead weight on my old account. (Had it since 2004 and played at least part of every expansion.) Frankly Iā€™m sort of an altoholic and I donā€™t want to be tempted to go back and play those old characters.

In almost 15 years of this game Iā€™ve never started truly fresh before and itā€™s a very nice feeling.


I can dig it.

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I have no reason to. Iā€™ll use my original account.

Unfortunately TMK thereā€™s no way to perma-permanently delete your old characters. Like, Iā€™ve deleted old characters and unsubbed from my old account before. But then I just went back and resubscribed and undeleted them. So ā€¦ that might happen again even though I donā€™t want it to. I donā€™t want to totally delete my old bnet account because I have other games on it.

I donā€™t.

Pathfinder? I donā€™t think thatā€™s ever going away. WOW Classic isnā€™t going to inspire developers to make big expansive zones with lots of empty space, or make them want to return to the joy of creating content specifically designed for flight.

Questing? Thatā€™s never going to go back to the open world development style where quests send a player back and forth to various zones, with the trip sometimes taking longer than the collecting of the quest item.

Dungeons? ROFL, Blizzard will NEVER consider putting in dungeons that can take 2 hours to fully clear. They want their eSports to succeed, and that needs bite-sized stuff with multiple difficulty levels so the ā€œeliteā€ can feel special.

Yeah, my ship sailed on that one in TBC when I made my second account. I have multiple characters on the second account who were max level by the end of Cata (I quit early MoP).

Technically, I could log in on an alt on the secondary account to sample Retail if ever there was even the tiniest hint it might be offering gameplay Iā€™d enjoy. Given I paid for two accounts continuously from TBC to MoP, doing so again is not a big deal IF Retail ever actually offered a reason to want to do so. Or, since theyā€™re all on the same Battle.Net, character transfer is an option and everything account-bound stays intact.


I made an entirely new battle.net account with zero battlenet friends on it.

Only adding friends by character name in Classic, not by battlenet

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Iā€™m using my original because I donā€™t want want my account names wow1 I want to keep it with a user name.strong text