Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

I do not think the addons I use do not affect anyone but me.

I use…

Zygpr Guides… for leveling.
Titan Panel … to give me info on my characters.
Vuhdo…healing addon. Only my Holy Priests use this one.
Bagnon…to combine all my bags into one.

I do not do end game content. I have no need for the addons that are causing the discussion.

Lack of skill? I do not see how.

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lol. No, breaking the rules laid out by the game maker is cheating.

and you have access to the same advantages, so its hardly cheating.



thank god for weakauras


Classic character :white_check_mark:

Low post count :white_check_mark:

Divisive topic :white_check_mark:

Give. Us. Battletags. Please.


I think you left out:

outlandish comment

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Seems like you just want battletags to stalk and harass people who have differing opinions to you.


I want battletags so we can easily spot trolls and identify when they try to post on multiple characters.


The only things they should target is WA that tells you where to go, timers and better visibility were never an issue.

Exactly how is it an unfair advantage for players to use addons when EVERYONE has access to the same addons?


I’m not sure if you are refering to a few specific addons or all of them. However it’s not an unfair advantage when they are available to everyone.

I use addons that help me with my limited vision.


Doesn’t look that way to me.


It probably is him and this is why we need battletags for this forum or they need to just remove Classic ability to post on retail forums.


Raiimir alt spotted >;3

Something is freely accessible to everyone, yet this is an “unfair advantage”.

I am entertained on these forums everyday.


Removing addons will be the surest way to finish off the game. The main appeal of wow is the combat style and customization. Remove 1 of the 2 and it’s hanging by a tiny thread that they are cluelessly screwing with(combat).


Am I the only one who doesn’t use any addons? Just me? Ok :upside_down_face:

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I disagree. Wow players are addicted to the addons because blizzard builds the game with addons in mind. FFIV doesn’t have and doesn’t allow addons. The raids and dungeons are built accordingly.

Blizzard’s raids and dungeons are built sloppy, with so many mechanics it makes players use addons to be competitive.

Which is why a lot of people won’t make the switch. So I don’t know what exactly you’re disagreeing with. Customization is one of the MASSIVE appeals of WoW. Millions of wow users use the addons. It is only a baseless assumption that they are forced to. Majority of the addons are not raid or dungeon focused. They are more about customization of the ui.


That isn’t the reason. I have no issues, and neither does FFIV with addons that customize the UI. It becomes a problem when the addons tell you how to fight the boss mechanics.

FF14 has addons lol. SE has always been lax on dealing with addons and would rather just say “dont use them” then not enforce it rather than enforce it.