Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

The base UI still needs work so I’d call for that. Removing Add-ons will make players actually cheat and players will leave on their own accord, and/or be banned. Overall it is better to keep add-ons.


Wow. This is a terrible post, OP. You should probably be embarrassed considering wow has always had add-ons and many of those add-ons now make up the base game. Additionally, most of the more egregious add-ons have long since been banned and the APIs they hooked into now protected from any future addon. About the only addon left that blizz will probably ban/neuter eventually is weak auras.


Nobody is saying that it can’t be done; it just doesn’t need to be. Addons do the job completely fine, and allow people to interact with the game in the way that they prefer. Some people like Elvui, some like an enhanced default UI; some like weakauras, some like tellmewhen. There are hundreds of different masque skins.

WoW and players’ interactions with it are designed around the expectation of addons. That’s why the API exists.

Major MMOs that don’t expressly allow (and control) addon integration have rampant external addon environments, which lead universally to addons that blur the line between addon and actual cheating (or blatantly cross it).

FFXIV needn’t be discussed; addon usage in FFXIV is near ubiquity in PC players, and addons that expressly cheat are used extremely commonly in world first races.

GW2 “addons” are all external to the game, and involve all aspects of the game. I don’t believe cheating is such a big deal in the game, but primarily that’s because it is by its nature not a game with a large competitive scene. The things that external addons can do in that game are extreme, though.

I haven’t had firsthand experience with addons in other no-addon games but needless to say, very simple google searches will show you that any game popular enough to warrant it have addons, whether supported internally or not.

To whit: calling for the death of addons is essentially the same as calling for addons to be developed externally to the game that will absolutely be able to do more than what addons using the API can do.

The TL:DR? Be careful what you wish for. Addons in MMORPGs are never going away. People in general do not want to play these games without addons. WoW is by far the best iteration of what they can be, because in every other case they simply get pushed underground and simultaneously degrade the experience and encourage ACTUAL cheating.


My point is: I think addons make the game playable, so they should be used. But I don’t think we should as players be in a position for them to be mandatory.


I like playing with the cheat codes active.



another bait thread from yet another zero post count classic troll.

how original.


Hard disagree bud. Me using weakauras to more clearly track my own CDs and information in no way affects other people. Neither does changing up the nameplates on enemy npcs. Or providing a weekly check list on my screen that tracks what I’ve done and have yet to do.

You don’t like them, fine don’t use them. That’s your choice…


Classic Toon :ballot_box_with_check:
No Post Count :ballot_box_with_check:
Generic Troll Thread :ballot_box_with_check:

Carry on


Ah… the scare tactic.

So when was the last time we saw a addon do this?


This hasn’t been a controversy since like 05

Are those other players kept from
Obtaining these addons? Are their accounts somehow unable to install an addon?

You don’t use addons to automate a rotation, you use macros.

Enemies have a million abilities now, this ain’t back in the day where a boss would have like, a cleave, an add, and maybe a stun.

Man hell this post is to long and we already have this many issues with it I ain’t gonna keep breaking down this disaster.


The game is far too complex for anyone to keep track of everything. Imagine having to manually scan each and every auctionhouse item. There are too many abilities and spell timers to track on each class. Addons just track spontaneously what you could do yourself on paper, but at a much faster pace.

As long as everyone has access to the same addons, it’s really not cheating, as cheating requires an unfair advantage. If the other players have the same support addons, it is not an advantage.



sigh, it is not cheating. Blizzard allows it so by definition it can’t be cheating. Now, you can certainly make arguments as to why some of them or all of them should be banned but as it stands by Blizzard’s rules (the only ones that count) it is not cheating.

You do realise that Blizzard is actually planning to limit just this situation? You might want to read this post on wowhead:

Blizzard Reportedly Restricting Certain Mechanics from Interacting with Addons in Patch 10.1 - Wowhead News

This topic is brought up a couple times a year or two since original vanilla release,

Not gonna happen. Many addons are so much a part of regular play for many players let alone raid teams it’s almost like the addons are just another part of the game…like an expansion feature at this point.

And if blizz didn’t want addons why is wow one of the most add on friendly games from a coding standpoint? You’d think the devs would make it hard to create addons for their game if they didn’t want them.

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Dunno who decided to report this for trolling, I am just interested in having a discussion about addons. If you have a differing opinion, that is perfectly fine; just let me know why. I am not against changing my opinion to being pro-addon if I see an argument that makes sense to me. I feel as if blizz shares this opinion, as the upcoming patch shows.

and here i thought this thread would feature a certain dracthyr as the main poster. whose always screeching about how addons are cheating.


you can also open them up to see what’s inside.

the only “danger” there is this may lead to being a mod maker too.
How my path started for bgs modding. looking at mod files. modding them. then making my own from scratch.

At some I was gaming the bethesda creation kit to make mods than the actual game lol.

starfield comes at some point. some await the game. I do to. But I await its creation kit release even more though lol.

This isn’t necessarily true, there are several addons that bypass the “no paid addons rule” and require payment for use. This is a big problem IMO.

Addons that overtly break the rules break the rules? Kind of duh, isn’t it?

Saying it’s a big problem is kind of a misnomer though; I don’t know of any addons that bypass the no paid addons rule have any kind of measurable impact on the game at all.

There was a time when the MDT creator paywalled the addon functionally, and it was pirated and reuploaded within the space of 10 minutes. That’s the nature of addons in WoW; it’s functionally impossible to keep anything for yourself unless you literally keep it to yourself. If you choose to do that that’s up to you, everyone has the same ability to write addons for themselves if they choose to learn how.

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