I’m actually genuinely curious what’s going on and what policies have recently changed that is making blizzard have these US only promotions. Not even Canada can participate. Was there policy changes that happened with the new orange president that I’m not aware of or was it on Trudeau? Does anyone know anything? It’s getting pretty ridiculous just how many promotions are getting released recently that are only for Americans.
First the motorcycle, then the digital murloc thing from the plushie, now this, and there’s probably some other ones I’m missing. It’s getting excessive.
It just seems excessive recently. It’s been over five promotions back to back that’s US only so I’m not sure if it’s just a coincidence or something. Like, I’m in Canada we’re not exactly all that different policy wise but if there is something preventing them from offering it even Canada that’s making me squint a bit. Though, it’s also possible it isn’t a policy thing and they’re just being mean.
That was part of the Mt. Dew promotion which has several different things going on with it. Something in that with the purchases, changes at sweepstakes, taxes…something - trips up legal things. Usually anti gambling laws or tax related laws.
In a new WoW x Mountain Dew promotion, players can earn a Crown of the Violet Rose cosmetic helm by streaming World of Warcraft for at least 15 minutes over Discord from now through December 9th!
This Discord promotion seems to be under the Mt. Dew promotion umbrella so maybe that is why? If it is part of the same promotion then the blanket legal agreements would cover all of it, even if this specific aspect would not be an issue by itself.
That is all I can think of. Otherwise the simple “stream and get a crown” thing does not seem to fall under any gambling, sweepstakes, purchase, or tax rules I can think of.
Everybody keeps saying this, but is there any proof the only reason promotions don’t exist elsewhere is laws/regulations? I was in Europe recently, and I’ve definitely seen promotions on goods. It’s difficult to believe every single country is against it, but US is the one exception that allows promotions.
Obviously there’s probably differences and nuances in different types of promotions etc. but I find it highly unlikely there’s no other country that allows promotions that Blizz can’t work with.
I read on wow subreddit you can use a vpn for the crown.
Hmmm interesting. Yeah see I got a bit tripped up with the stream and get a crown thing going on, because I can kinda understand it with the felcycle, but the one I linked doesn’t seem to fall under the same legal umbrella as the other ones since there’s no physical product involved.
Its your country that is making it happen…get rid of your prime and lower leaders and get the laws and rules changed…and as others have said some stuff only for China has happened before…but down the road some of those items for China only did come available too NA realms though RAF years later though from when first given in game to Chinese players…like the Pet golden Pig …and some other stuff…what changed there I have no idea but that promo is over too…for those items I think.