Guild: Bad Karma
Server: Aegwynn
Raid Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 PM EST to 11 PM EST
Current needs: Healers (any class or spec) and ranged DPS
Expansion progression:
Nerub-ar Palace 8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine 8/8 N 2/8 H
Hello! My name is Sully, I am the raid leader for Bad Karma. We are semi-casual raiding guild looking for new community members to join our raid team in Season 2! We are a long standing community which has consistently raided heroic since BFA, and successfully achieved full AOTC each raid tier since the end of Shadowlands. Our goal is to continue that streak into S2 of TWW and we’d like you to join us!
A little bit about our raid program - we pride ourselves on our laidback and chill vibes, while at the same time maintaining a focused and driven atmosphere. We are looking for raiders who can get along with and be willing to help others, exercise patience and a positive attitude during prog, communicate with their leaders and officers, and maintain a good attitude and be a productive member of our community in and out of raid. We expect our raiders to show up prepared and commit time outside of raid to gearing during the prog period. We also offer coaching and guidance to those who are looking to improve their play.
Bad Karma is a community not just for raiders. We have plenty of mythic+ enthusiasts who love to push for KSM and KSH each season, and many of us are looking to the new Keystone Legends achievement in Season 2! Our Discord is full of folks looking to group up for m+ and we host regular weekly events for people to show up and find others to run keys with. We also do casual PvP, group delves, achievement hunting, mount farming, community events and parties, and many of us hang out to play other games as well.
If any of this sounds interesting to you and you’d like an invite or more information, feel free to contact me directly on Discord: tsquadsully. Or you can add me on Battlenet: Sully#12852. Thank you for reading!