Hello! My guild is looking for healers for heroic AOTC raiding. Our raid nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 PM CST to 10 PM CST. We are a semi casual guild focused on our goal of achieving AOTC, which we’ve done every raid tier since the end of Shadowlands. We also run mythic+ and offer events with plenty of other activities. We pride ourselves on the strength of our community and how we enjoy having fun in the game while remaining dedicated and focused on progression when it matters. If you’re interested in more details you can check out our guild recruitment post here: (US) <Bad Karma> AOTC Raid Team Recruiting! - #7 by Sullywaffles-aegwynn Or you can add me on Discord (@tsquadsully) or on Bnet (Sully#12852). I look forward to hearing from you!