[US] [A] [Sargeras] <Unleashed> 5/10 Mythic Recruiting HEALERS + All Slots!

Unleashed is recruiting core raid spots for our mythic raid team.

Looking for HEALERS! (Pally / Monk / Shaman ) and Melee DPS (DH / DK ) or any exceptional players to solidify our roster.

Raid Days are:
Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday 9PM-12PM EST (Mythic Prog)
Friday 9PM - 12PM EST (Heroic re-clear)
Sunday (Cross Realm Welcome) Mythic re-clear / alts

Trials will join on the Friday or Sunday run to see how you fit with the team.

Our raid team is tight knit and have been raiding together since BFA Season 1.

We are all very friendly and encouraging. No elitism. We have a genuine desire to push cutting edge.

Message Kinndysparks on Sargeras or message JD_Yadig#1480 on discord to discuss trials and openings.

several Mythic + players always looking for group,

if you are pvp oriented the OP is multiglad.

bump this post still looking for healers and DH/DK for prog!


I friend requested in Discord. I am a bear tank looking to fill in heroic re-clear and mythic raids as needed. I also want to find fellow mythic plus players who may want a tank. I am ilvl 237, 1944 IO, have been playing wow since 2004, have previous mythic raid experience in WoD and Legion, but only casually got AOTC in castle nathria. I am 10/10 SoD normal, and am familiar with the fights. I understand that you may not need a tank, but just in case the need ever arises, I am simply looking for a place to call home while I run mythic + and if a spot opens temporarily or permanently, I can fill in.

I may eventually complete a resto/balance set, but up until now, I focused mostly on a tank set.

If I am not what you’re looking for, no hard feelings.


Apparently it switched my toon, this is my druid, sorry.

Looking for Enhance, warrior,

has anyone gotten back to you yet?

Still looking for healers / dps for mythic prog!