URGENT : Why TBC classic should be separate server or it will destroy Classic WoW

“I haven’t made enough gold, I think it should be fair that everyone start from scratch so I can have a chance of being poor all over again and blame someone else”

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This is the only thing I care about. Just because people didn’t want to play much classic and only have 1 or 2 60’s is no reason those who played to get several 60’s should be limited in transferring them

Doesn’t matter if they make separate servers.

If TBC drops classic will die.

I think a character copy/move would be the best solution instead of forcing all realms to TBC. I think TBC was the start of WoWs death. WoW should have went with a more horizontal expansion approach instead of a vertical one. Would have prevented the stats from getting super out of control and requiring a stat squish(and now a level squish with SL). Instead they locked all the end game content behind a leveling time gate, which then made all the classic end game content irrelevant, even for new players joining wow for the first time.

I just hope they let Naxx play out for a while before TBC is announced, or it will suffer the same fate as Vanilla in 2006. No one attempting to clear it because all the gear would be replaced by greens in a few short months.

so best win win solution would be like this :slight_smile:

TBC launched and people can copy a snapshot of their classic characters to tbc server , retaining characters in the original wow clasic realm,

this way ppl will be able to play in tbc with all their characters , and if they got bored they can still play in classic servers …

so everyone won

You think they will open backwards transfers from TBC? That would be such a horrible idea from an IT standpoint I cant see it happening sending toons from a newer xpac back to an old one yea no? Its probably gonna be copied servers makes most sense.

Yeah the only way I can really see them doing it from a logistic stand point would be All characters from classic realms get copied to new BC realms by them on the back end on launch. If its any kind of manual player based process the gold duping and mat duping will be insane.

i expect them to be a different client and different servers. otherwise that would break the promise museum, and throw away all the classic work they did.

no one is playing classic to play progression.