URGENT: Dungeon The Dawnbreaker Bugs

There are many bugs that I have personally encountered while playing The Dawnbreaker on both Normal and Heroic. In my opinion there are enough Bugs that I think this should be a priority to fix as this is in the Season 1 Mythic+ Rotation.


  • About 15-20% of the time when players load into the dungeon the Dawnbreaker Ship does not spawn. Making the dungeon incompletable for the group, since the player can not make it onto the ship to start the mini boss fight before the first boss. I have found that if the player “Teleports out of the Dungeon” and then reenters it can fix this issue.

  • When using many different “Placement Spells” while on the moving ships it will not properly place the spell. Sometimes the spell will not spawn any ground effect. A lot of the time the effect will be not in the right orientation.

                  Known Impacted Spells
                      1. Jadefire Stomp (Monk)
                      2. Grove Gaurdian (Druid)
                      3. Harpoon (Hunter)
                      4. Summon Pet (Hunter)
                      5. Infernal Leap (Demon Hunter)
                      6. Shockwave (Warrior)
  • When flying between ships before the first boss there are times when landing on the ships deck the player will just go right through the floor and then be stuck in the “belly” of the ship until the player dies or leaves the dungeon.

  • During the first boss fight on Mythic some players are not able to see the purple beams that rotate around the boss.

  • When killing the first boss if someone in the party dies to the bosses last explosion the boss does not award any loot. This loot will NOT be sent to players in the mail as there was no loot awarded from the bosses loot table.

  • When fighting the 2nd boss there are times where certain spells are not useable such as Dancing Rune Weapon.

  • When fighting the 3rd boss in the final stage there are times where certain spells are not useable such as Fury of Elune (Druid).

  • Druid flight form will not allow Golden Orbs to spawn during the last boss.

  • Line of Sight issues with terrain in the first part of the dungeon while on the “Docks”.

  • Players can be Battle Rez’d during the first boss encounter but are not “re-buffed” with “Radiant Light” the spell that allows flying during combat.

  • Cosmetic: When fighting the 3rd boss in his last phase, players are seeing that the bosses model will intermittently disappear, however it is still targetable.

Many of these bugs are game changing and will ultimately end in people losing keys once Season 1 starts. I think this should be a priority to fix or they need to sub out this dungeon with a different one for this upcoming season.


Bump, ran into this one today

I’ve yet to complete the dungeon, first time or two the ship itself was there, but instance wouldn’t advance once we the group was on board. Just now, I was queued with guild members and the ship wasn’t there for me, but was there for the other 4 group members. Ding a repair install to see if it’s something on my client end.

There’s also horrible LoS issues with the terrain at the beginning and in some parts of the city where tiny bumps cause complete loss of LoS

Can confirm multiple cases of party members flying through the walls or deck of a ship and getting stuck inside.

there is a very good chance this is the same bug we saw in the necropolis of necrotic wake back in SL. which unfortunately means it will not be fixed.

Well this explains why we got no loot in several of my runs…

I am unable to use Fury of Elune on the last phase of the last boss, it doesn’t let me cast it as if the boss were out of los or something even though all my other abilities work.


Had this happen to me just now. It was actually already up in the air (according to the map) but i was stuck on the ground before you’re given the ability to fly so i couldn’t board (got kicked and got deserter for my troubles)

Thank you everyone for the additional feedback. I have updated the main post to include the additional issues.

I think this goes to show how this dungeon is going cause major issues and have a critical impact once Season 1 launches and it is in the M+ rotation.

I hope someone from Blizzard had a chance to address these issues.

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Ran this on heroic today, 3 members of our party could not see the other ships to plant bombs. We had to leave the instance and rejoin…I am never doing this on M+

My paly is currently stuck in the air. I cannot move, but I can cast spells. My follower players are saying Attack but I didn’t know where they are.

I am curious to hear more about this, I personally have not encountered this. Do you recall if you were able to get the buff that allows you to fly?

I mentioned in a different Dawnbreaker bug thread, but if you’re keeping a running list here:

I had an issue yesterday on my rogue alt where it would not let me mount on the first or last boss because “you are in combat.” Got BR’d on the first boss (and rezzed after I died again on her final explosion), and on the last boss I was able to quickly vanish and mount, but obviously mounting is imperative to survive both encounters. I was able to fly just fine in the others sections to get to and from the various ships; only the bosses were issues.

I’ve done the dungeon maybe five or six times now and it’s the first time I’ve experienced that bug, nor have I seen anyone else have it, so I have no idea what triggers it.

Thank you for the additional bug. Although I have not encountered this one myself I have added it to the original list.

Let us know if you encounter it again or if there is more information I should add.

Same issues on my monk. Boop for luck

My mage has yet to see the dawn breaker when running the instance and it only happen on my mage.

My mage also cannot see herbs or fishing nodes on the mini-map. No problem on my other characters playing on the same account, pc and realm.

Can’t open a ticket or get support because they don’t exist. I can get support from a free to play game but not World of Warcraft.

Bump, I just made a topic about the spawning bug. I should have searched before posting. Whoops!

Interesting, I have spent sometime troubleshooting this bug. I am curious to hear more information about your set up.

Do you know what kind of Hard Drive you have WOW installed on? Is it a Hard Disk Drive (HDD), Solid State Drive (SSD), NVME/M2 Drive, or is it possibly installed on an external media device?

My current theory is that there is an issue with the client when loading the dungeon files, possibly related to Hard Drive read-times. When the game loads the player into the dungeon the boat fails to fully render causing a de-sync between the server and the client. Hence why when players are able to leave the dungeon and come back in, it give their HD another chance at loading the files properly.

I would also be curious to see what type of HD you are running WOW on.

Another fun druid issue is that flight form won’t work during the first boss fight, despite having the buff. So druids need to have a flying mount ready to go, and if you don’t you’re kinda screwed.