Urgent Call for Character Customization: Amplifying Player Voices in World of Warcraft's Development Future

Executive Producer Holly Longdale recently made an impassioned post about the future of the game (A Word on World of Warcraft - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)). Everything sounds great, but the statement, “Listen to your feedback and keep improving,” stood out. This is because there are quite a few character customization mega-threads with thousands of likes and replies that have gone ignored for over two years. One of these being:

Kul’tiran Love & Customization Thread - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Others of note include requests for upright forsaken and worgen tails, but having a Kul Tiran main, the neglect towards this race is particularly discouraging. Not every player suggestion can be acted upon, but customization requests that have widespread support, fit within the lore, and make sense shouldn’t be disregarded for so long.


Meh. While I’m all for character customization improvements, gameplay should always take priority when considering player feedback.

Although, to be fair, it seems like every major patch in DF has had some type of character customization included in it but some have been more impactful than others


Important to remember that just cause there are some cursory ideas on a ‘megathread’ it doesn’t really lead to game implementation.

E.G the big worgen tail thing. Maybe 3000 players want it - but there is no metric on how many do not want to see it and think it is unnatural in the way Worgen ingame have been since they have been in WoW. (I have no stake in the matter, merely an example).

The Void natural Thalassian skin colour came as a surprise when it did and likely we’ll see KT and who know maybe Worgen tails in a patch, far far, very far away.

The classic “they didn’t implement every single one of my thousands of requests therefore they’re not listening to me” delusion…

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As much as I am on board with wanting more character customisation options, I can’t help but laugh at the drama of this thread title.

If this means that worgen will get optional tails and upright posture, then great…about time…if they’re ignored yet again she’s no better than those before her who’d happily treat the worgen so badly. Every race needs equal amounts of options, the obnoxious amount of spoiling the elves (except nightborne) needs to cease. If all there is to look forward to with Midnight is more spoiling of the “Favorite children” that is the elves (minus nightborne for whatever reason) then I’ve lost interest in it already.

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Which options? Hopefully rat, squirrel and pig tails.

The Kul Tiran mega-thread has 2.4k likes, 930 replies, and a few dozen requests. One of those is mine (flight form/thistlehawk recolors). Even so, one purpose for the forums is for players to provide feedback. If corresponding customization requests are being made by hundreds–or thousands–of players, and many years go by without any of those being implemented, all while similar requests for other races (typically elves) instead receive developer attention, then it’s not delusional to feel ignored.

Regardless, players should be able to feel comfortable providing input on issues of concern. Just because they don’t affect you, or you disagree with them, doesn’t mean you need to respond to hundreds of legitimate request threads with condescending retorts.

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