Upset about Blizzard bringing back werebear, how about they bring back Claws of Shirvallah?

Back in Warlords of Draenor, Feral druids had a end lvl talent that allowed you to turn into a werecat. It was super sick, and was removed in Legion. If people are upset how about the Fel Werebear form, how about they bring back Claws of Shirvallah as a glyph?

Their justification for the new werebear skin was that its the only one of its kind, well, so was the werecat skin Claws of Shirvallah. Please Blizzard, bring this back as a glyph. I have wanted this back for soooo long. They surely have the file, and should be just a few clicks to make it a usable glyph.

Below is what it used to look like.


Yeah if there’s enough support for it I’m sure they will.

Personally I’m really excited for the MT look but the claws look personally doesn’t appeal to me. But I’m sure if enough people ask for it, they’ll bring that back too.

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I agree to some. I think achievements like ahead of the curve should remain to those that did it at the time. I don’t particularly care about the mount I got with it or KSM mounts I’ve gotten.

Well Legion and SL was the first times druids got some mad love on form appearance, and if they are bringing werebear back, they should bring back the most unique cat form model back as well.

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I think updated Druid forms and new Druid forms in general would be a very good thing.

Don’t turn this into -another- time limited/fomo discussion, there’s so many of those right now already so that really isn’t necessary.

Anyway, I think bringing back Claws of Shirvallah as a Druid from would be awesome and on top of that they should probably design new forms for each current form as well. New bear/cat/moonkin forms etc. Plenty of good options for all of them.

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We’ve been asking for it since we knew it was going bye bye. They’ve ignored us.


I think more people in the Forums should see the post

Literally just bring it back as a glyph. I never understood why they didn’t.


Hmm, why not just put it in the barbershop with the glyph unlocking them for cat form?


Exactly, what I am getting at!

While I do agree to bring back that cat form as it was awesome and its bs they only had it for an expansion. The werebears a single skin the OG colerations still locked to everyone who didnt get it

This was one of the biggest fail forms in WoD, it gave versatility boost that was not great during its time .


It was awesome!


Functionally as a talent is wasn’t great, but it was awesome as it was the only appearance of its type to date.

I’d be happy with ferals getting anything from the new tower.

I think it let you mount in cat form too.

Saberon form was ugly as sin.

Please no.

I find it interesting how varied tastes are regarding the appearance of the werebear and saberon. I personally liked the saberon form but see the werebear as ugly. :woman_shrugging:


The talent sucked but man was that form awesome, I miss my hulk snow leopard so much. Who cares about sparkle kitty forms!