Upset about Blizzard bringing back werebear, how about they bring back Claws of Shirvallah?

I would love this.

Def should bring it back. Along with werebear and new balance form

I made a forum about this same thing like a day ago and I think a bunch of others did too. We need to collaborate or make a bigger thread at some point. It will be way more effective then having like 10 threads all with like 30 responses.

I mean you don’t have to use it though? So put it in if others want it. Its already in game wouldn’t even be more work.

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You don’t have to use it you do realize that?.

Just make it the druid version of the warlock green fire quest

Make people work for it

This would have been amazing instead of the bear we got, a moonkin form would have been best as that’s what most druids play spec wise.

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I mean why do you even need to do that? it was a talent before just make it a glyph

More style points, plus would make the customization parts of it easier to swap around instead of like a bunch of glyphs for each version

I played a rogue in WoD, so you’ll forgive me if I want nothing more than to see them personally delete that model and kill every feral druid who wants it.

Bring it on home skillet biscuit. I am a lizard cat. Blizzard me me a Werecat.

On a serious note, it would pair well with Diablo II where druids had werebear and werewolf forms. We could have werebear and werecat forms.

I’d be fine with it if it looked less strange. D2 forms looked cool.

The werebear form they have now looks really weird, and the saberon was also kinda

I would like it back if they updated the graphics/animations. As it stands they were both pretty bad. It would also be cool if they could wear armor. Nothing crazy like plate or anything, but some leather/cloth variations would be nice.

Realistically they would not update it at this time. I would just love access to werecat period. It would be very cool for Worgen druids who could be werewolves, werecats, and werebears.

Worgens is a whole other story imo. I think that a worgen druid should just stay in their werewolf form for the Feral spec, but that’s a whole new can of worms.

What was y’all guys favorite feral forms?

feral troll

i hope it comes back with a higher res model

Eeh, the lower left one is a toy. So you’re not unable to use that form. Might be better to ask for something new instead.

Give us back the transformation as a glyph or as a new challenge in the mage tower, we don’t care, but give us back claws of shirvallah with the improved animations please.