Upright Undead

We’ve waited long enough. Orcs have it. Forsaken should too.


Agreed. 1/2 the undead population is upright, the other half should have the option of going on the rack and getting straightened out.


Trolls too, please. Sometimes when I’m playing either of them I’ll walk backwards and snap screenshots just to get an idea of what could be. I used to do it with orcs too.

Edit: Actually now I’m remembering this isn’t my troll walking backwards. This is his idle standing where he occasionally stands up for a stretch. Undead backwards walk though is still correct.


On our CURRENT rig please. No pudgy Nathanos clones with red eyes.

Also beards for the blokes.

Some skeletal options that don’t clip the transmog would be icing on the cake.


I hate having flaccid undead. They should stand erect. They continue to get boned by the devs. It’s not hard to make undead rise up.


Agreed, almost every helm clips with the shoulders and any headwear that goes below or under the chin just looks goofy.

They’re not even entirely modelled based on their hunched position, having a long hair style (like I currently do) causes it to magnetize towards the torso.


Broken spines without discs or cartilage vs Orcs and Trolls who simply learned to stand upwright. Nah

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I think they should let people play as a non-rotted undead. A kind of ghostly pale, more handsome/beautiful undead.

I think that would be very popular.


Yeah the sticking hair is a major pet peeve of mine. That long hairstyle is particularly bothersome just because it should otherwise look amazing. I prefer to use this one. Sure you get the receding hairline, but at least it has some physics.


Should be on a slider, from fresh corpse to skeleton type figure imo.

Edit: Also think other races should have undead options.


Yes but what will this do to undead decolletage?

Not a slider but you can choose fresh, mottled, and bony currently. The first couple don’t cause clothes to tear which is a nice option, but they don’t affect posture. Blood Elves can also unlock an undead Dark Ranger set of options.


I hope so, it’d be nice.

This might be a total misremember on my part; around the time male Orcs got an upright posture I remember some dev saying something about a chiropractor who will eventually make a trip to Orgrimmar to work on the other races.

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Why not both? People have been asking for non rotted, lightforged (calia type), and Dead Boyfriend (Nathanos type) for a good while now. I played undead years ago as well as orc, and honestly i’d race swap to undead if they just didn’t look like hot rotting trash…no offense of course.

Edit: idk why the whole thing didn’t get quoted, chalking it up to blizzard error.

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then there will be hunch back humans, taurens, and pandas.


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Why do the people with hunches get to make all the demands and recive all the attention from Blizzard.

Unleash the hunch. I want hunched draenei.

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pretty sure thats just broken.

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As long as it is an option great. More choices is always better. I just don’t wan an upright option only available if we look look like Calia or N


I agree with that. If it is going to be a thing, then it should be available for everything.

I do too. But like a lot of features to come it just got dumped in the waste bin. Really hope they bring that back for anyone who wants it.

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