Upright Undead

why they didnt get the option with their heritage armor is beyond me…


Yea I was hoping they’d do it then too. They didn’t even provide robe for casters with the heritage armor. You can’t really play forsaken without feeling a little left out . . .

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Yeah I don’t know why they screwed over the Forsaken by giving them no robe, and then I remembered so many models clipping through robes it made me sadder.

Banner bae if proof that there is straight back undead and im all for fixing the posture on my 4 undead. It will make it easier to undermine Calia without have scoliosis

We still need Mecha-Forsaken.

No bad undead “hits with newspaper” did you see what they did to the Gnomes? they will put you in Diapers and you dont even poop

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I’m willing to wear the diaper if I can mog over and receive buzz-saw or drill hands.

if you let goblins and trolls have beards too, i 100% agree! more beards all-around!

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we need this and upright worgs

upright trolls, undead, and worgen would be great

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No worgens wouldnt look right upright. Look at every werewolf ever in film or in pictures 99% stand up with curved backs because of how their bodies contort into the bigger bodies. Theres something intimidating about a big burly wolf man whos got that hunch standing over you

I think that will be with the Starcraft patch after Midnight when we join Raynor’s raiders and fight the Zerg / Legion. :tumbler_glass: :clinking_glasses:

Whatever happens, one thing’s certain - Blizz will make us wait so freaking long just so that they can announce upright undead as some sort of giant expansion feature that we all should be excited about. And we will be, because it’s upright undead, but it could’ve just been a patch feature in the middle of any expansion

Its not even just the upright option. Undead have the least amount of effort put into than any other race.

Ever try to equip a polearm on a male undead? Most polearms have been bugged for years to equip upside down with the sharp end at your upper back and the handle towards the sky.

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the foresaken like it just the way they are tyvm


A good example is the pre launch event shoulders.

They look like they are tied down from the arm pits.

No we don’t

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I would MUCH rather be a Darkspear Troll, but the hunch makes it tough.

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I never have to bend over to pick anything up off the ground because I’m already down there. :+1: :slight_smile:


Careful what you wish. I knew an undead that went through a controversial back surgery to make his back straight. oh, it’s straight alright, only thing the guy can see now is above him. Ceilings, the bottoms of leaves, clouds, sun. Rain straight to the eyes. he’s miserable.