Upper Orgrimmar Portal Floor Changed

You spelled infuriating wrong.

The only thing worse than having huge world-shaking events that pissed people off…is walking them back like they never happened.


Hmm… or you should just not be that self-centered and self servingly egoistic.

While these “world shaking events” didn’t affect you as a player of this totally Horde associeted race, there are other players whose fun and identification with this game has been destroyed to such a degree that they quit wow completely because of it and are unable to ever have fun within this game when they are constandly reminded of bascially the worst things possible like a quest of burning children that was designed to be unable to succeed in.

Maybe some people don’t want to be constandly confronted with genocide and burning children in a game they play to have fun, where they want to feel good and which they use escape harsh reality for some time.

So while for you completely unemotional hard manly man like guy who never even sheds a tear and is so cool and edgy, it is just a self induced nuissence, for others it is a huge deal that breaks their fun, their imersion, there whole identify they might have built up over a decade.
There have been lines crossed that should have never been crossed and there is no gain in keeping it that way.

So no.
For me it destroyed the game, took the fun out of it, made me cry for weeks and quite the game for 2 years.
For you it was tuesday it seems.
So sorry to say, but your opinion here is … rather unimportant as you will play regardless, for you it doesn’t change a but. You will just nerdrage a bit and just keep on. For others it was heartbreaking and really “world shaking” or … “world ending”.

I hope not. BfA should carry some consequences. Handwaving back the old capitals rather than providing new ones at some point in future is lame.

Hey, I’m usually the first in line to get overly attached to fictional stuff, but like… take it easy, dude.

Im pretty sure we have a portal to Darkshore near the docks but I would have to check. So right now it isnt exactly a concern.

Teldrassil clearly still stands if charred.

The ground the Players walk on is still there. The right side of the tree has a hole yet above the hole is ground(don’t want to start building on it though) from what I see.


Yeah, well, having a story were nothing consequential ever happens because if it does, people will complain until they have to undo it like it never happened destroys MY fun and identification with the game and leaves me unable to have fun.

So why don’t YOU stop being so self-centered and self servingly egoistic. Not only ruining my fun, but disrespecting the creators’ work by forcing them to undo it.

Get help. Stop acting like you’re 5 over a damn video game.

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It’s an instant death zone now.

Ohh you are so egdy ohh gosh sure big hairy tough guy. Thanks for your advice. Might want to leave that to people who have actually study that … mhm myself maybe?

And don’t talk about respect you basiaclly have no idea what that term actually means.

Like I said. Self-centered and egoistic. You are not involvied or even affected at all. You are just being egoistic and a disgusting human being in that case.

Why? Because the character I post with is a BE? I can’t possibly have any NE or Forsaken characters?

And even if I didn’t, changes to the game world I play in are none of my business unless they are about the race of the character I happen to be playing as? Even though my character was an active participant in both events?

Because it wouldn’t change anything for you at all.
You allready got that ride and moved on. How and where we rebuild our sandcastles you happyly stumped over is none of your concern.

Beside that: Every frecking city that was destroyed by in Warcraft franchise got rebuilt exactly where it was.
Silvermoon being one example.

Oh yeah! Like when the NE capital on Mount Hyjal was destroyed, they totally rebuilt it there and not on an island off the coast of their home continent instead!

It’s time for the High Elves and Void Elves to take back Silvermoon anyway.

There never was a NE capital on Hyjal.

The NE capital in WC3 was actually Nighthaven. But NEs didn’t build huge cities during that time but many many small ones, one was at the foot of Hyjal, true.

During WoW Blizzard howeer decided that every race should have one capital. Never understood why they didn’t go with nighthaven, maybe gameplay decision to make Horde druids possible.

They lived IN Nordrassil, the same way they lived in Teldrassil. A settlement that was rebuilt elsewhere, rather than where it was destroyed.

Also, the stuff about Nighthaven being the NE capital all seems to be from the RPG, which isn’t canon.

What? …
Sorry don’t understand what you try to say.

Anyway not important, we even have lore that states how fast Worldtrees regrow.
Nordrassil regrew directly after exploding and was fully regrown in cata.
Teldrassil was planted and grew between WC3 and Classic, which is under 4 years.

While I am sure undercity will get unblighted lol Maldraxxus isn’t gonna help no undead

No one is getting back their cities. Blizzard doesn’t care about anything except Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

You said “Every frecking city that was destroyed by in Warcraft franchise got rebuilt exactly where it was.”

I’m saying, Nordrassil was a city that was destroyed. And instead of rebuilding it where it was, they built a new city somewhere else.

And while the tree of Nordrassil has returned, the city remains gone.

the city was at the foot of Nordrassil and unfortunately Hyjal was a questing Zone in Cata.

But What I meant actually was capital cities, not every single one.
Not every one is yet rebuilt but all that were, were rebuilt on teh same spot no nation has moved away.

Silvermoon, Stirmwind, Bolarus for example were all destroyed at some point and rebuilt.
Lordaeron is … also one example as it was destroyed in WC3 and then “somewhaht rebuilt” or lets say resetteled.

NEs however never had a capital beside nighthaven and teldrassil before.

That’s not really accurate.

The people of, say Stormgard, Gilneas, Alterac all moved away when their cities fell. They just moved into other, already existing human settlements rather than building an entirely new city elsewhere.

And one could argue that Lordaeron itself was never actually rebuilt. As Undercity is not actually the same city. It was a new city with a new name built under the ruins of an old city.