Upper Orgrimmar Portal Floor Changed

The whole portal room needs a revamp and being located somewhere else. Silvermoon at best than we can make that city the new capital for the entire Horde too.


Mr. Snrub, is that you?

Yeah I really wish they had made the portal room either in the Cleft of Shadows using one of the Shadowmoon assets with the moon crystals we see in Shadowmoon Valley, since Orcish magic users were primarily Shadowmoon Clan orcs in the Cleft of Shadows and that’s where our portals were in the first place, and it makes more sense to have all the portals together in a giant circle, or using Belf aesthetics since Belves are the main horde magic users.

Like imagine they revamped the Cleft of Shadows like they did the Mage Tower Portal Room with these assets, and all the portals in a circle around the giant moon crystal.

(that’s my Alliance Kultiran Druid alt)


Hopefully they don’t that so way they can finally update silvermoon & exodar; and make those 2 the last major stronghold on those continents for their factions.

They can just extend the exodar to have an outside area as a night elf city while the left part of silvermoon can be rebuilt as the forsaken section of the city.

this would be so much better for the game than all the portal rooms

That was one reason many people felt that Undercity wasn’t really a ‘trade’ for Teldrassil, because objectively speaking, one was covered with Blight but otherwise almost entirely intact other than the throne room, while the other is
 well, you can’t even get to it in current time, it’s just a burnt out image in the distance. And I’ve been saying for over a year now that Blizzard 100% has a Blight cure Macguffin waiting to pop up at some point.

It was sort of like one group burning an entire neighbourhood down, and then the other group showing up to beat them up, so in response said first group closed down the biggest house in their own neighbourhood down for fumigation, and we were told the two were the same.

I’m not opposed to Undercity coming back, of course, that was an inevitability when they left the infrastructure entirely intact. It’s one of the more unique locations in Warcraft and I’d prefer Blizzard try and rekindle their older themes as opposed to diving headlong into new ones over and over.


Teldrassil is also intact.

The scenario just had Red Bad on the ground, and afterwards removed flightpaths.

Night Elves are also getting a “McGuffin” via Ysera now being basically both the Dragon Aspect of the Dream and Ardenweald, ie Life and Rebirth. You’re getting Teldrassil back same time we get Undercity back via our respective “zone”-parallels.

Reminder Winter Queen and Primus are “dear friends”. There’s going to be a kumbaya lesson later.

We have a very different idea of intact infrastructure, I think
 and regrowing an entire world tree is a bit different than vacuuming up clouds of Blight. I do hope you’re correct and both will be returning.

I also hope that it’s not just glossed over if/when both are restored.

Staghelm did it in a year without dragon blessings.


You’re right as per lore growing a world tree is easier than cleaning up blight :skull::skull::joy::joy:

Unless Malfurion & Friends is weaker than Staghelm, it’s actually kinda dumb yall ain’t just grow another damn tree.


Undercity un-blighted might be saved for the Forsaken’s heritage armor along with who will be their new leader.

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Actually no. growing a world tree is done in way less than 4 years and it is also known since WC3 that world trees are able to regrow even after exploding (Nordrasil) which took also around less than 4 years to regrow completely.

With the blight stuff seems to be a bit more complicated as there is yet no real ingame implication that it is anywhere easy. It took years to be able to clean up at least a bit of the stuff in the plaguelands.
Also it is pretty much a lot easier to plant a forest than to remove radioactive contamination from a certain area.

my statement stands :stuck_out_tongue:

It is certainly a possibility yes.
I guess we will get the new Capital within the Heritage questline for NEs and Forsaken.

Question is when.
I would guess either 9.3 or prepatch of 10.0 as it would probably suite well with the outcoming of shadowlands.

What I however am certain is, both races will be the last ones to recieve their armor since we allready got a whole set of armor and weapons from the warfront.

This may seem like a weird tangent, but absolutely love the art design of the Portal Room.

I wish the placement was less haphazard, but generally it feels like a natural progression of the traditional Orcish design. The deep warm lighting, dark wood floors, and actually pretty decent use of the bone decor just makes the place feel really homey and comfortable. Its hard to explain beyond it feels very “Orc”, but also kind of like a quiet Cabin and Fireplace feel.

TBH, its the first take on Warcraft Orcish Aesthetics I would love to see the entirety of Orgrimmar designed around. Its Orc, but with just the right edges sanded down to a fine polish.

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You mean actual open burning furnace in the floor?

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I mean, yeah. But its still got a really nice ambiance to it. Its got a good feel, where it still very culturally the Orcs of Durotar, but you can tell their culture is starting to come into its own. With the aid of its allies. And yes, big giant furnaces are an orc thing 
 they like their sweat chambers.

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It’s a progression of Warsong/Nagrand Clan orcish design, when the magic users of the Orc Clans were primarily Shadowmoon Clan.

Having a random Orc aesthetic portal room is much less cool than a Clef of Shadow Shadowmoon Clan portal room and less “equivalent” to the cool factor of Human Mage Tower

We can go with the Shadowmoon portal room and just use the old portal room as it was always meant to be used - as a giant stovetop.

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Here’s the thing though, the Orcs that designed Orgrimmar had lost alot of their cultural history; and it was built by Goblin Engineers. In fact I’m pretty sure the construction of the Org portal room was overseen by the Nightborne.

Even beyond that, there isn’t really any representation of the Shadowmoon Clan within the current Horde. “Maybe” some AU representation within the Mag’har, but that Clan is largely extinct for all respects and purposes within the MU. Hell, if you look at their named character roster, not only are they all dead 
 but they have no prior affiliations with “The Horde”. So many of their few survivors became either Fel Orcs or joined the Illidari (or both) by BC.

Nah Cleft of Shadow was always a part of Orgrimmar

Narrative choice of Blizzard but Cleft of Shadow has literally always been there though

Minority, but not extinct. Canonically that’s why Orc Warlocks exist after all.