Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

Which was why I said we (as in you and I) level differently in retail. Remix leveling is a TON faster for me.


Yes, but that’s anecdotal. The fact that it was advertised as a faster to level mode and it is not faster overall means they lied. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove Blizzard right or justified.

Most probably aren’t seeing 600k. They see 39k each time. It’s like my ex. She used to buy a 5$ Starbucks 2x a day, 5$ a shot, she thought nothing of it till I pointed out its 300$ on drinks a month, rediculouse. But this game gives them more enjoyment than 2 coffees a day, probably, I am assuming here.

It was not an issue, I am 2-3 mounts shy of all the mounts as well. It’s unbelievable easy to grind mobs. Grinding the insane was much longer and much harder

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missing pieces are averaged into the total so 0s for rings trinkets & neck will pull down your ilvl
Tho it seems all you need is a neck piece.

Ok. Feels very overly precise to me but I see where you are coming from.

Im working on my 3rd 70 now
leveling in Remix has been much faster than retail for me.

How is your statement not anecdotal and held to the same rules.
Anecdotal evidence doesnʻt prove blizzard lied or knowingly wronged players.

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The people who make the game get to decide that and they seem to disagree. :person_shrugging:

Except they quite literally punished people for it. It’s an exploit. Get over it.

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blizz is definitely playing this event blind, they have no idea what their doing.

They ban people for exploits. The cloak reduction (especially with them leaving the gear upgrades alone) is a far cry from “punishing.”

I’m not the one throwing the tantrum over something the devs decided wasn’t an exploit. :wink:

Notv always. It’s an exploit. Get over it.

It’s not anything to do with precise, anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean anything. Everyone can have a different personal experience based on lack of knowledge. That means nothing when we’re talking about how the game was designed and showed off, and how it was changed before the official release.

As someone who would lose out if they didn’t refund it, but also didn’t use a hyper farm (my items are 416/430), I had the benefit of my gear being higher ilvl for this time period. I would rather others be able to just have fun with the for fun mods.

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Yes it does. To say that advertising a faster leveling experience requires it to be faster for EVERY single player is precision. It is a Type A personality need to nitpick.

But you do you bro.

So, yes having the need for a specific event week (event dungeons give more XP than non) with these specific roles. Totally representative of leveling in retail.

Retail leveling is honestly slow for a dps, tanks most of the time have insta Q’s, and healers have it almost as fast as tanks do. You also have to deal with more traveling as opposed to Remix, where it’s a single continent from 10 - 70. The cloak itself is icing on the cake, it helps more so with getting those XP threads, these can make it that instead of taking 8 hours, could take 6, if you have enough, 2x XP or 3x XP, or even 4x, anyone.

People using examples of speed runners in Retail utilizing everything is not justification, or the overall perspective of leveling to downplay ‘accelerated’ leveling in Remix. If you utilize everything offered in Remix to the same effect, you can level insanely fast.

You don’t have to do any of what I do on retail to level, you can boost if you want to be technical and it is far faster than this event. You go to one place and afk and get level from 1-70 in a few hours. Just because I choose to wait until timewalking doesn’t mean that is the fastest way, but it is still faster than this event.

No, you’re just bad at leveling in retail. There are multiple ways to level faster in retail than in this event, I just gave an example of what I do. Again, lack of knowledge giving you a different experience doesn’t make Blizzard less of liars. It isn’t that they just said it would be a faster leveling experience either. They SHOWED us a faster leveling experience on PTR and then changed it without saying anything. Idk what part of you thinks that so many people would just choose to be negative over this event and not realize that there is a reason people are reacting that way.

which were froggers a week ago
coulda done that instead of the misfire at the cloak

They are 100% going to lower prices or increase bronze rates. One of the two. So all of the people who slow farmed are going to be “punished” in one way or another. And they deserve it for choosing to slowly grind an event that was supposed to be for fun. Nobody should have to grind and the people that did wasting their time in the long run is nothing new for WoW. It happens almost every single update.

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