Upgrading PvP Gear is Pointless

What is the purpose of this? If we buy any conquest gear from the vendor it is base 1/8. In order to upgrade you have to have crests. In order to get those crests, we have to PvE. So what is the actual point? In order to upgrade past rank 4, we need Wyrm crests which can only be found doing mythic + 11-16 or doing heroic raids. You cant earn these in PvP from what I can tell. I dont know why the crest system made its way into pvp. If you are going to have PvP gear be upgradeable, then we should be using our honor like we have been doing. Keep the PvE currencies in PvE.

S4 either needs to get rid of upgrading PvP gear all together and have one set max iL, or let us be able to upgrade the gear with Honor again because for those that only PvP and do not PvE, they cannot fully upgrade their gear to 8/8


I don’t understand the point either. The entire premise behind upgrading pvp gear was originally to give some semblance of progression, even though it didn’t matter in pvp because of the ilevel scaling on the pvp gear. You were never going to use pvp gear in pve. Gating the upgrades behind a pve currency just means pvp only players are going to ignore the system.



You get some crests from PvP, but not the big ones.

Yeah you need to do PvE… For PvE ilvl.

I mean if you don’t want free PvE ilvl to do world quests, whatever. I think it’s nice though.

By design because they don’t want PvP to be BiS or competitive with actual PvE items. I think it’s for the best that you don’t need to PvP for PvE, or PvE for PvP.

Not really seeing an issue with the system, other than it not really being explained well and having clunky currencies and consumable items to get those currencies. That’s just WoW for you, though.


You don’t care about upgrading the PVP gear, since it only affects PVE. You need to get the conquest or bloody coin / trophy of strife pieces for that.

It’s not even really worth it outside of that since well, it’s better to just “PVE” to get gear for that purpose.

Not really sure why it’s even possible; I guess for some die hard pvpers so they can world quest or do heroics easier haha :slight_smile: ?

Exactly. So if someone wanted to fully upgrade to 8/8, they would need to do the PvE content i mentioned above to get the Wyrm and Aspect crests. Which if all you do is PvP, no one is going to bother with. Making it a failure system for PvP players. Which brings me to my previous point, keep honor as the currency to upgrade pvp gear. Dont bring in a pve thing to pvp.

How many people are going to want to do that though if all they do is PvP?

Youre maxed at rank 4/8 this way. 8/8 will make you stronger for said world quests.

But that was ok when PvE items (mainly trinkets) were stupid OP for PvP? Only since SL has this not mattered because of the trinket bonuses for pvp.

The PvE upgrade system is a flawed system for PvP. Just let PvP players upgrade with honor like prior to S3 or get rid of upgrading pvp gear all together,

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Ok if you complain about it, this is probably what will happen.

489 ilvl PvP, 416 ilvl PvE and you don’t get to upgrade it to 4/8 anymore. Is that better?

I mean you said it yourself, PvE ilvl shouldn’t matter at all:

You don’t need PvE, you will eventually be able to convert the crests when your iLvL is high enough.

The only reason to upgrade is so your gear is better in any non-PvP scenario. It’s really not necessary if you only PvP.

This probably has less to do with PvPers and more to do with bottlenecking PvE alternative gear sources.

No, you get crests from rated pvp, and we specifically requested no gear upgrades locked behind ranks.

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Youre completely missing the point and are being rude in the process. Take care.

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It’s nice for me because I PvP 90% of the time, but I also do the story line, world quests, and other things in the game.

I upgraded my PvP gear for that as apposed to having crappy PvE item level unless I go spam dungeons, which I don’t want to do.

I figure if you PvE and PvP enough you can do a similar thing so you aren’t running around with two sets of tier gear.

I don’t understand why this optional upgrade is a problem for anyone.


Same here

The PVP gear is cheap to upgrade to, at least cheaper than the PVE gear.
Not upgrading your PVP gear will leave you at a low average in the rest of the world.

The other nice option is the PVP crafted gear that will not require any upgrade and is equivalent to the upgraded PVP gear.

But where I find it weird is that you can only get 1 token for your tier set that comes with the class bonus 2/4. I got my first one [Mark of the Spelunker Supreme] from arena rating. But it seams that to get the others, I have to run PVE content.

Unless i get this wrong? But this is what I could find about it.

One reason I don’t like upgrading my pvp gear is because it makes it hard to know if i’m gearing properly. For example, if I’m aiming to copy a certain high level player’s gearing, I’ll usually look at their stats on armory and what they’re wearing. Let’s say they’re at 20% versatility and 25% mastery and I’m trying to replicate this, I’ll just copy their equip/gems/enchants.

However, if my gear is upgraded, it becomes hard to tell if I’m overshooting in a certain stat or not.

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You should have a bunch of harmonized silk that you can use at the catalyst in the centre of dornogal to convert non-set gear into set pieces

Yes but does it apply to pvp gear as well? The way i see it is that to get the same bonus on PVP gear, i have to exchange the token for the PVP version of the tier set.

I’m looking to get the tier set bonus for PVP

Yup, you can turn the non-set conquest pieces into set gear. If you used your 1600 set piece token for the pve set piece, you may have to buy that one again to make it 639 in pvp. Idk if you can convert pve set pieces into pvp ones

I do think that the crest system is a much better and more elegant solution than shadowlands. I think pvp gear should scale to mythic raid level at 2400.


What are you on about?

If you never do PVE why do you care what your ilvl is in PVE?

I do both. It was a generalization. This is a post from 2024. The idea being that if all a person did was pvp and they don’t have pve gear for open world, what’s the point of upgrading pvp gear as it scales to its highest iL anyway in instances pvp combat. Upgrading is only needed for pve content like WQs.

But still, the upgrade system just needs to go in general. Balloons numbers too quickly for no reason. Just make each raid difficulty it’s own iL like before.

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Well upgrading your gear is more of all the stats. You just can’t go wrong.

Pvp gear is not optimal outside pvp. So there’s no point.

One of my points in the op is needing to grind pve content to fully upgrade the pvp gear to max iL. Why should pvp players be forced into pve content if they don’t want to just to upgrade their gear? The crests should be pve currency only. They removed upgrading pvp gear with honor in favor of the crests. Just, why?