Upgrading PvP Gear is Pointless

On my priest I’m using a lot of my pvp gear in m+ so I’ve upgraded it.

You can earn all the crests from pvp

And gilded comes from where?

Duelist+ wins.

Just got some from a shuffle. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Just don’t upgrade it 4head

If you dont want to PVE, then why do you want to upgrade the PVE ilvl of your gear? You are not making sense.

I upgrade all my characters I PvP with to 8/8. You end up with hundreds of gilded crests and capping valorstones if u don’t. Just weird coz for pvp I have to trade down my gilded crests to start upgrading, whereas on my pve toons I tend to have to trade up crests :S

That was not the case in DF when this post was created.