Upgrading my leggo involves ANOTHER base item?

Went to the rune dude to upgrade my 199 leggo, thinking it would only cost ash, but to my surprise, they want ANOTHER base intem thats higher? You are kidding right? So, being a LW, i have to make FOURTEEN more pair of pants, THEN another pair of higher level after that? Either that or buy a piece off the AH to upgrade my leggo, PLUS ash?

Who the heck thought of this system? It is insane, and in not remotely worth the mats or the runs of CHORGHAST to do!!!

Just idiotic game design at its worst! This is so uncalled for!

About to quit this dumpster!!



Troll post. No one would be unaware of this by this stage of the expansion.


Level 50s can’t wear runecarver legendaries.


I believe this was so you couldn’t just craft/buy a Rank 1… and invalidate every rank thereafter.

I hear ya brother.

I would say try out ffxiv. Their systems and developers are way more respectful of their players.


Didn’t you unsub literally a month ago? How are you still playing/typing?

What happened? Got bored IRL and wanted to play again?


Make a couple and sell them and buy what you want.

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Well yeah, had the gold and bought one token to get my Gurdian Druid up. Is that a crime? Yes it is THIS LATE in the ecpansion that i am finding this out.

Its SAF tbth!

I would be amazed if there is 1-1.5mil subs left in this Systemlands expansion. You can not win no matter what you do! Its pretty sad i need to read 4 hours of crud on WoWhead just to keep up with the systems and chores we need to do.

But this, upgrading, and needing the next ilvl vessel? Total BS!! I WILL let my sub run out with no backup token if this is the direction this indi company keeps taking!!!

Thanks for confirming you’re a troll.


How would it be invalidated if you grind Choreghast for the ash? I mean WTH man, this is just to much BS to deal with on a daily basis!!!

How did i confirm that? I got your Troll, and i am pretty sure you know where it is!!

Because then there’s no reason to every craft or buy anything but a Rank 1, if it’s both material and cost efficient to craft a Rank 1 first, than upgrade it to Rank 4.

Rank’s 2-4 would just be traps for players who don’t know any better.

That’s how?

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WRONG! Because the ash to you need to get should take a month or so! Not make people buy tokens to upgrade their item on top of the ash grind!!

So you are wrong!! I did not see ANYTHING saying if i bought a 225 ilvl leggo vessel, i could craft it for 1250 ash!! If so, point me to it!

But he’s not wrong.

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If you could upgrade a Rank 1 with just Soul Ash and not another Base Item, then you wouldn’t need a Rank 2, 3, or 4 Base Item.

So if you don’t need a Rank 2, 3 or 4 Base Item, those items become invalid.

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Yes, yes he is! I bought ONE token to deal with my alt, and my alt is a LW, and earned the right to craft the base leggos. Nowhere in the Wowhead stuff i read said that i need a higher ilvl vessel to upgrade my leggo. I thought it was done collecting ash, because whate the heck else is it good for?

So tell me, how much ash do you need to craft a 225, or 225+ leggo right off the bat? I am pretty sure it is not 1250 ash!!!

Guarantee OP gets paid minimum wage.


I understand the problem and it’s nice that you at least save on soul ash by upgrading. I also figured it would lessen 1 item level based (taking into account the lvl you have) to add up to your next upgrade. I I suppose I’m just thankful to have the soul ash save.

You misinterpreted what I said. :wink:

I did not say “you,” in reference to the person I quoted. I said “he,” in reference to you.