Thankfully there are other people crazy enough to buy up the mats, craft all the pieces, and sell them at a loss so that you don’t have to.
Ff14 has the rep of being for children because of how immature and report-heavy their community is.
Also be aware that if they bill you inadvertently for your sub there is NO refunds regardless of if you even log on or not.
I dare you to try it they lock every one of your characters inside their jailcell wall prison thing until you send in a retraction via ticket asking for a refund. Theres a reason the community and game is so tiny - the developers and community are in a race for who can be the bigger scum.
No actually bud i am perm disabled. EIGHT FAILED back surgeries and i have 8 more discs that are either partial, or just gone, i have failed back syndrome!! It takes me a half hour to get out of bed! So hows that for min wage. What i get paid from comp, and from SSI, a burger flipper makes more, and thats a fact! So go peddle that theory some place else.
Check it out on google, its a friggin nightmare!
Crafting system was never designed for players to trick themselves out with personal gear. It is a profession, intertwined with the economy. To be worthwhile on a personal level you’re gonna have to get entrepreneurial with it
a moron thought of the garbage. it is called a time gate. it is the reason the wow no longer has 14million players. well rng and gating.
Yes i tought the same. I think that would be netter if you only needed the item or the soul ash
imagine selling 13 of those 14 pairs of pants and turning a massive profit as the price each pair of pants sell for is significantly more than what the mats cost to craft it (especially even more profitable if you farm your own mats), while you use the 14th one to upgrade your leggo. oh the humanity.
Just imagine it. Because that’s all you can do: imagine. You will never turn a profit selling those ranks. You might be able to sell the rank 4 ones at more than the materials cost, but even that is questionable.
The crafting is borked.
I don’t know when you checked last but everything except the rank 4 sells at a loss on my server and has for a while. It’s a gold sink. You’re better buying the base item even if you have the profession needed.
Right there, off the Wowhead guide:
A new Base item of the same type as your Legendary and at the Rank that you want to upgrade to.
I bought my 210. My issue is the amount of soul ash. I haven’t touched Torghast in almost a month.
At least IEs boosted my neck. What do I get for doing that place? The frustration of it being impossible unless I find a group of paladins and still getting one shotted by a trash pack on the antepenultimate floor. But you know I’m just a scrub player so my opinion doesn’t matter.
A one mask vision was easier than layer 1 TC. And it gave gear
I think I won the game. I’m having fun playing low levels and haven’t even bought Shadowlands. I haven’t had a disappointing great vault yet!
Never much of a reason to build low rank legendaries to begin with. Unless you have to push content quickly. That’s the only reason, but it doesn’t apply to most people playing the game. Nearly everyone else should just save for their highest level legendary to begin with.
Thank you. Did not see that.
Still total BS though!
You’ll show them! Again.
Just buy the new base item from the AH…gold is so damn abundant already you should have plenty
There are lots of gold making communities that share spreadsheets so you can easily calculate those things without needing to take time to make your own.
I copied one for Tailoring, just gotta adjust the numbers of mats and the price of items then you can see at a glance what Ranks to craft and which are the best margins.
I find it’s generally Rank 2’s and 4’s.
They were a lot better earlier, but Blizzard clearly plans to add more Ranks in future patches. The key is to be one of the first to be able to craft higher ranks so you can sell with less competition.
Negative, I just explained how to upgrade their gear to someone in game the other day.
Figure in an expansion or two were going to learn how bad this system is when our stored gold goes down hill to upgrade our BiS leggos. Except for Blizzard as tokens sold for gold = $$$. Works great on the other end.
What would be the point of even having higher base items if you can just use the cheapest one and upgrade it to 235? Of course you need another base item.
Forum Detective Pebrock on the case!