Updating Torghast this Week

If the twisted corridors are supposed to be a harder version, and this is not fixed for soloing, I don’t think I’ll even step foot in 'em. Screw the cosmetics. Hell, now I don’t want to do it not even for the legendaries.

I can say that I soloed layer 5 of the upper reaches as a 171 sub rogue necrolord and it was still just absolute tedium. As a sub rogue if you don’t get the distract anima power then clearing the huge trash pulls is just annoying and time consuming. Having to pull outside stealth just hurts the class/spec in general and having to do it every single pull feels awful. The only things that killed me though was a floor boss(the caster) and a double elite 9 skeleton pull. The boss I figured would murder me as I didn’t get the powers I needed, but I killed Patricia pretty easily even though her casts were starting to get close to 1 hits with stacks.

Just solo’d 8, no real issues. Wasn’t an annoyance that made me dread doing my weekly stuff. Thanks blizz.

Well if you don’t want everyone to have a legendary then don’t get one yourself. But don’t advocate for others too have to suffer just because you don’t think they deserve one. They pay the same monthly sub bill as you.

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I did what we have to for the first plot visit on my priest and have avoided going back - it was incredibly time intensive and even using Shadow solo over Holy didn’t make it smooth or enjoyable at all. From what you’re describing, it might be a good time to finally revisit the second plot visit.

It definitely seems like it will take less time. The overall mechanics haven’t really changed, but it doesn’t take nearly as long to kill the trash or the mini-bosses. I haven’t done an actual run since I decided to leave it. I might actually go back to check it out if it isn’t such a miserable experience.

Part of the reason everyone is expected to have a Legendary is that an inescapable part of the storyline is freeing the guy who gives you Legendaries. The game pretty much tells you it’s mandatory that you have one. Just as Torghast isn’t some optional challenge content like the Mage Tower was, the storyline takes into there multiple times. If it’s perceived to be mandatory content by people, they are going to want it to be as easy and convenient as possible.


You’re right, i’m sorry. not sure why a game would make a story line campaign aspect of a game with any sort of difficulty to it. They shouldn’t even have torghast give rewards, just give it to us for the story and then give us a vendor with free loot for all the legendary items we want. Maybe we can do that with raids too so people don’t have to waste weeks on progression to get gear just to down bosses when we could ge the gear first and clear the raids on day one.

Does it even matter know since they nerfed it so bad you can walk in nude and probably complete it?

There is almost nothing story driven about the requirement to run Torghast, outside the occasional quest where you gotta rescue someone. Torghast should have been an optional challenge based piece of content for cosmetic stuff, you’re in the minority that enjoyed it. I feel for you guys but at the end of the day, it was mandatory content if you wanted to max out your gear and get legendaries… I didn’t come to the forum to complain about it, I dealt with it… but the changes are more than welcome. I like that I am now able to solo layer 8… even though my class didn’t excel at the content initially. You don’t have to like it, but the majority spoke up, blizzard listened and did what they think is right. You want challenge based stuff… plenty of it out there.

No not really. I one shot old raids. That doesn’t make my grinds for mounts fun. It is just a spam of an aoe ability while watching netflix or something.

No, we are not supposed to be gods. We are supposed to be mortals going against the forces of Warcraft Hell. It isn’t supposed to be easy.

There’s only a minority enjoying the loot draught but hey blizz isn’t changing that.

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Are you sure about that? Loot “draft” is disliked? Where are all the posts about it? Because I’ve seen none, maybe I’m not looking hard enough… but the dislike for Torghast is out in the open.

Someone isn’t looking because I am seeing several looking in GD right now. One just real quick “Lack of loot + Lack of Subs” and seen several alone just in the past few weeks when people are getting just beyond tired of not getting a single drop while running dungeons

Reread the response btw. I never said DRAFT…>.>

WTF is a draught? I googled it… it’s the british way of saying draft.

Hey, if you aren’t gonna use the correct word, I’m going to assume.

Gear is actually really easy to get… so why would they change that? Maybe get more people to complain? I like having the option, but the old way you get more out of it. I’m impartial.

Torghast is a really boring grind.


Typo for drought lol. Still though interesting coincidence on British to typo.

There have been alot of posts since the xpac launched though.

Very pleased with the feel of Torghast now. I was happy before as it is my single most favorite piece of new content but certainly needed tuning, especially for content that felt mandatory as it is the only source of Soul Ash.

I’d like to see more puzzles inside and not just straight up DPS. I like the chest and wall puzzles. More secret doors/tunnels/etc accessed by said puzzles.

Thank you for these changes.