Updating Torghast this Week

No. Its a video game. Just because its marked as a legendary doesn’t mean it needs to be hard to obtain. Its bad enough most of the decent legendaries only come from dungeons or raids. Making torghast more annoying and more of a chore than it already was will cause alot of people to not even bother with any class or spec. Its bad enough that many groups in pvp and pve have actually kicked people for not having legendaries, don’t make it harder and annoying than it already is.


OooOooooH he’s got receipts!!! :receipt::writing_hand:t2:

I am a fan of every single change you made Blizz. Just wanted to throw my two pence in there.


This alone is a blessing. Thank you, Blizzard.


That’s fine, there should be a mode for people like you, who like this type of… “content” but it shouldn’t be for Soul Ash, not everything needs to be hard to get. These “legendries” are nothing more than memories on how to make things, if we’re going at it with a lore perspective… at the end of the day, majority rules and for a change, i’m stoked about it… it’s insanely boring content, that’s difficult for no real reason… I would love for it to be faceroll afk easy.

It was already a chore, now it’s a less annoying chore.


I agree 100%.

Torghast is a chore, a dreadful, unfun, uninspired, uninteresting chore we endure to get our legendaries.

Beyond legendaries and I guess the 1 mount there is literally no reason to go into that place. And I guarantee once folks have their legendaries, that place will be a ghost town.

Torghast is literally the least fun thing I’ve seen blizz push out in decades.

Even islands were more interesting, and those were terrible.

  • P

Eh, I think a decent amount of people will do twisting corridors for the cosmetics. But yes, beyond that there’s no reason to do it. If it had remained an endless thing it could have had more longevity, but I hear corridors was limited to 18 floors, so it probably won’t be run much after the first season.

Had the displeasure of doing Layer 8 Upper Reaches vs Goxul after the changes implemented… really just demoralising to have a cruisey run through the entire 5 floors to then just lose all your lives to a boss that is still apparently overtuned. :frowning: From what I can see on wowhead… don’t know how anyone downed him BEFORE the changes. :frowning:

Not that I think this will even be read… but while I agree with some comments that it shouldn’t have been made easier… I also think the tuning is out on things like this guy.

If I’m supposedly not geared enough to take him on as a 196ilvl destro lock… then make the other 5 floors harder to show me that. OR… fix the boss.

Something else I thought of… could a mechanic such as the LFR system be worthwhile looking at… ie. if you wipe on last boss say 3 times… you get a buff to give you more of a fighting chance.

Just feels bad sinking over an hour into a layer 8… to come out with nothing and literally using ALL your lives on the last boss. Keyboard nearly went through my monitor and could feel my blood pressure in my face… -_-

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I don’t want anyone kicked for not having a legendary because i don’t want everyone to have a LEGENDARY item 1 week into a new expansion. Legendary items used to be legendary and entire guilds would work towards one person obtaining it.

Now a legendary item is just expected on everyone? it’s dumb

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Blizz had to have known Torghast was unfun from play testing.

I would be willing to be money thats why they tied legendaries to the place, so people would have to go in there.

  • P

You’re a tank and don’t do grp content? With any of your 4 prot warrior mains? I mean, why are you a tank then? A tank is by definition someone who absorbs damage that would otherwise harm group members.

Empowered Consulars are still unkillable

They’ve already stated that they want Torghast to be balanced for all classes/specs, solo or group. So I’d imagine that’s why…

I like it. It’s a multi-level mob-killing crawl that’s kind of mindless and chill. Will I run Twisting Corridors? Maybe, maybe not, but for right now periodically dropping in and just swatting mobs for a while is something I find relaxing. Then again, I’m a Filthy Casual™ so there’s that. :wink:

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It is far less fun now that every run is a free completion run.

Let me guess you are one of those who were selling carry runs for Torghast? :joy:


I wanted to try the changes, so I just tried soloing a layer 7. Breezed up floor 6. Anima powers felt ok. Got to the boss, the writing soulmass. It killed me brutally until the terrathing got me out of the tower. Felt frustrated. Like a total waste of my time. Why would you let us get so far, to fail miserably after so long? Not a good experience. Not fun. Makes me want to do it even less now. Fix it for solo too. Not only for groups of 4 or 5.


I totally understand you. This is basically what I wrote in my own comment. Why the hell allow people to breeze through the first floors, to be killed by the boss? Have some way of showing you’re not ready, or something’s wrong. This has to be fixed for soloing.

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Work for their legendaries

Sorry but I already have a job. I don’t want another in WOW.