Yeah, the people who don’t like it successfully ruined it for people who do like it.
Majority rules, I personally rather it be super trivial and it just be a cake walk… it’s boring, far too long and too RNG heavy… some classes excel greatly; one without consistent healing get screwed. Who wants to spend several hours doing something to fail multiple times… I’m super stoked about it getting nerfed hard and hope it get’s hit harder. If people want a challenge, isn’t there some sort of challenge mode?
To be honest, I think these nerfs are too severe.
Some of the changes are obvious quality-of-life improvements (resetting cooldowns, assassins not striking barely out of combat, more buff options, etc.). I am 100% on board with those changes.
But some of the other changes are unnecessarily steep nerfs.
- Did you really need to lower Tower Sentinels all the way from 25% to 10%? It almost eliminates the point of having them.
- Did you really need to reduce health and damage across the board by up to 26% considering all the other changes already happening?
Lastly, in the beta, I specifically gave a recommendation for how you could improve the Unnatural Power so it wouldn’t be crippling at ten stacks: “have increasing stacks beyond ten reduce the duration of slows/snares/stuns instead of being totally immune.”
Finally… even if all these nerfs were necessary… couldn’t Blizzard have tried implementing more modest versions today and then watching for a week to see if its enough? Its easier to nerf a little more next week… certainly easier than adding difficulty back in.
hardest possible =/= not possible. 8 was entirely possible before. I did it on 2 classes. There is always a “hardest version” regardless of what is released. That does not make any sense at all.
What a shame blizzard, this nerf and how trivial the new changes are have drastically ruined the tower. Rather than allow people to get gear and complete the runs in the future, you’ve basically turned this into null content when people do eventually get gear as it’s so ridiculous now.
That’s pretty harsh, IMO.
The changes were good. You enjoy boring content… you must have been a huge fan of them warfronts from BFA… boring content, but at least that was easy and you got something out of it. If people want a challenge? Heroic and mythic raiding? Try pvp? Majority rules and the majority HATE Torghast… it was boring, frustrating and if you didn’t get AMAZING RNG you basically wasted an hour+ congrats… go again?
Torghast taking a little while isn’t necassarily a bad thing. What sucks is when you have to take a break to let your dog out, and a random spawn kills you because you were out of combat. In general I enjoy reviewing the battlefield, planning the pulls, systematically approaching each fight, planning cooldowns. The random out of combat spawn isn’t fun. It’s just a time sink.
The best part about the challenge is there’s usually always a solution you can try. When I solo played legion I completed the mage tower on my demon hunter after many many tries. When I finished it was great. The mage tower allowed you to learn to play in a completely new way.
Random out of combat spawns don’t do this… they just take time and prevent people from pooping.
I personally think this is a sack of craparroni!!! Increasing the buffs? making layer 8 the new layer 6 difficulty? I feel like the new layer 8 will be easier then the old layer 6. I struggled my smooth booty off to clear even two layers in upper 8 and after wiping 5 times i decided to form a group with some strangers around the hood and we killed the last boss with ZERO lives remaining. It was fun, it was scary and most of all it felt extremely rewarding.
I was forced to rely on my companions to complete harder content, which honestly, kind of makes sense. Now I am going to go back to walking through the dungeon pulling 5 packs of mobs at once and trolling the bones out of them with my overpowered self.
It was a breath of fresh air not being able to walk through TowerOT solo and being able to skip 50% of the packs, we had to FIGHT for that anima and we had to make sacrifices that now won’t be necessary.
Making ToT a play place instead of a slugfest was not the right call. There needed to be a struggle, why should everyone get their BIS legendary item for just a simple 30 minutes of trash skipping?
I don’t know, i was happy to see retail WoW not be a simple walk in the park for one day at least, but alas i will continue to breeze through this specific content never having to worry again about pulling two big elites in ToT ever again =(
hey i was doing gherus the chained the boss i died 10 times now i feel the need to kill my pc and say F YOU
It’s…a solo advertised game feature. Why would they gear it towards group content when that encapsulates the entire rest of the game?
What a crap show, no wat to get gear unless you M+ for days and then you only get one drop per week.
I enjoy content that is challenging, I’m also keen enough to know 10-15minutes in whether or not the setup is viable.
If you can’t finish it, don’t do it, just the same as people not competing in mythic content. Oh right legendries, we need legendries and we need them now? is that what the reply is?
Did it on multiple characters post nerf and I can say now it’s much better than it was. I had some fun for a first time in Torghast. Changes are in good direction.
Someone said it earlier…
Torghast is not fun for the majority of the player base. It’s still a very small minority of players that enjoyed it (or it wouldn’t have gotten the nerf it got!), most of them probably playing classes that excel at the content. It was too much of a chore. If people want hard content… it’s there for you, but you shouldn’t force the entire player base to hardcore grind through such awful content. That’s what a lot of game companies don’t get… just because something is hard, doesn’t mean it’s fun…
With that being said, Majority rules…
Could there be an option for a more difficult version with better rewards. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about torghast and I completely understand the reasoning behind nerfing the instance. However, for some classes Torghast was far too easy and the recent buffs it recieved towards solo players made it more challenging. Before the buffs, I could pull entire rooms, aoe them down, skip all anima powers, and not have a single problem. After the buffs I had to at least be aware of what defensives i had up, work on interrupting enemies, and find good anima power combinations.
If I go into torghast next week and find out I can pretty much not think about it and just fly threw in 20 minutes, I’ll be disappointed.
For some people that’s how it is… I for one will not feel the same, i’ll be stoked if I can fly through it mindlessly. I feel for the people that enjoy it… but majority rules and i’m part of the majority… Torghast should be for people that want a challenge and should offer titles, transmogs and/or mounts… not be a requirement for Soul Ash.
good work blizz!
I completely disagree. Legendaries shouldn’t be easy to obtain.
People are complaining that they aren’t getting their best item that they can get with ease at the same time as any other player. Personally I think it should be much harder to complete, more floors, less op anima powers. people should work for their legendary items, that’s what makes them legendary.
Ands now youv’e buffed it again worse than it was before. Why?